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Does Socioeconomic Status Lead People to Retire Too Soon?
Does Socioeconomic Status Lead People to Retire Too Soon?

24 august 2016
  • Working longer is a powerful lever to enhance retirement security. Individuals, on average, are healthier, live longer, and face less physically demanding jobs, so they should be able to extend the number of years worked. But averages are misleading when differences in health, job prospects, and life expectancy have widened between individuals with low and high socioeconomic status (SES). Thus, a single prescription for all no longer seems appropriate.

Seniorgoder – virker de?
Seniorgoder – virker de?

23 august 2016
  • Produktivitetskommisjonen la i vår frem sin andre rapport som blant annet hevder at man bør avvikle seniorgoder i norsk arbeidsliv. Påstanden er at de virker ikke etter hensikten og er kostbare for arbeidsgivere. Stemmer dette? Og hva er i så fall alternativet til «seniorgodene»?

    Statens seniorråd og Senter for seniorpolitikk inviterer derfor til et frokostseminar om seniorgoder torsdag 8. september. SSR og SSP ønsker å invitere alle interesserte til å diskutere effekter av seniorgoder og hvilke strategier og tiltak som kan være relevante for dagens seniorpolitikk.

Towards a practical and scientifically sound tool for measuring time and risk preferences in pension savings decisions
Towards a practical and scientifically sound tool for measuring time and risk preferences in pension savings decisions

23 august 2016
  • We present a recently developed experimental method to estimate individuals’ time and risk preferences and test it for its suitability in the pension context.

Precautionary Savings and the Self-Employed - Does Uncertainty Magnitude Matter?
Precautionary Savings and the Self-Employed - Does Uncertainty Magnitude Matter?

22 august 2016
  • Precautionary savings have often been analyzed with regard to its impact on current savings. This work focuses instead on the impact of uncertainty on savings under bequest form. We thus turn the focus on estimating whether and to what extent income variability does have an effect on post-mortem savings. We approximate the post-mortem savings with the closest dedicated savings, which is savings in term insurance, a lump sum inherited at the death of the subscriber.

The Displacement Effect of Compulsory Pension Savings on Private Savings
The Displacement Effect of Compulsory Pension Savings on Private Savings

19 august 2016
  • We study the displacement effect of mandatory occupational pension saving on private household wealth in the Netherlands, separately for wage-employed and self-employed. We use rich administrative data on (pension) wealth and income and apply a range of identification strategies, from IV regressions to propensity score matching and difference-in-differences analyses, to determine the displacement effects.To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, we merge pension funds balance sheet data to the micro data of their members.

On the Heterogeneity in Longevity among Socioeconomic Groups: Scope, Trends, and Implications for Earnings-Related Pension Schemes
On the Heterogeneity in Longevity among Socioeconomic Groups: Scope, Trends, and Implications for Earnings-Related Pension Schemes

17 august 2016
  • Heterogeneity in longevity between socioeconomic groups is increasingly documented for developed economies and is reviewed in the paper. Heterogeneity in life expectancy disaggregated by main socioeconomic characteristics – such as age, gender, race, health, education, profession, income, and wealth – is sizable and has not declined in recent decades.

Lansering av nytt pensjonsspråk
Lansering av nytt pensjonsspråk

12 august 2016
  • 26. august lanserer Finans Norge verktøyene utviklet for at forbrukerne i større grad skal forstå pensjon og dermed kunne ta de riktige valgene for fremtiden. Finans Norge og livselskapene har samarbeidet med Språkrådet, Forbrukerombudet, Finansportalen og Finansforbundet om å lage en bransjestandard for klarspråk på pensjonsområdet.

Pensjonspenger til det grønne skiftet?
Pensjonspenger til det grønne skiftet?

11 august 2016
  • Torsdag 15. september inviterer Finans Norge og Norsk Klimastiftelse til felles klimafrokost der vi spør: Hvordan kan norsk pensjonskapital sysselsettes slik at det både tjener det grønne skiftet og sikrer trygg og god avkastning for fremtidens pensjonister?

Are Early Claimers Making a Mistake?
Are Early Claimers Making a Mistake?

10 august 2016
  • Using Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data and Latent Class Analysis for three cohorts (those born in 1931-1936, 1937-1941, and 1942-1947), this paper explores: 1) who claims Social Security benefits at age 62; 2) what percentage of households claiming at 62 are unprepared for retirement; and 3) whether the unprepared early claimers were pushed into claiming through job shocks and/or poor health or simply decided to take benefits early.

Marital Histories, Gender, and Financial Security in Late Mid-Life: Evidence from Four Cohorts in the Health and Retirement Study
Marital Histories, Gender, and Financial Security in Late Mid-Life: Evidence from Four Cohorts in the Health and Retirement Study

10 august 2016
  • Marital status is an established predictor of financial well-being in later life, with continuously married people enjoying considerable economic benefits that accumulate over the life course, contrasting sharply with the economic vulnerabilities faced by divorced, widowed, or never-married individuals.  Although prior work suggests that marital histories—including the number and sequencing of past and present unions and dissolutions—have become more complex for more recent cohorts, the economic ramifications of this demographic shift are unclear.

Unios notatserie nr. 7/2016 Innskuddspensjon - arbeidsgivers drøm
Unios notatserie nr. 7/2016 Innskuddspensjon - arbeidsgivers drøm

29 juni 2016
  • Innskuddspensjon er en ren spareordning hvor arbeidsgiver ikke har annet ansvar enn å betale årets sparebeløp, administrasjonskostnader og premie for å dekke innskudd om arbeidstaker skulle bli ufør. Arbeidsgiver har ingen reguleringsrisiko eller annen forsikringsrisiko som vi vanligvis forbinder med tjenestepensjoner og som krever balanseføring i regnskapene. Innskuddspensjon er med andre ord arbeidsgivers drøm.

EISS Conference - Social Security and the changing Concept of Work - påmeldingsfrist 1.september
EISS Conference - Social Security and the changing Concept of Work - påmeldingsfrist 1.september

27 juni 2016
  • The annual EISS Conference in 2016 will be held in Oslo on Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, and the topic for the 2016 Conference is "Social Security and the changing Concept of Work". The Conference fee is €50 for EISS Members, €75 for non-members. PhD-students should not pay the fee.