Flexible retirement instruments: an analysis of policies in 28 European countries
The report explores flexible retirement instruments in the EU and in Norway. It assesses the take-up of these instruments and their potential impact on labour market dynamics, redistribution, fiscal sustainability and quality of life.
14. mars 2025
This report, prepared by the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN), explores flexible retirement pathways in the 27 EU countries and Norway.
Drawing on country reports, it examines the main flexible retirement instruments (deferred retirement, differentiated pensionable ages, flexible pensionable ages and combining a pension with-work) and their implementation in the countries covered.
Påmelding nyhetsbrev
- Akademikerne
- Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet
- DNB Liv
- Fagforbundet
- Fellesforbundet
- Finans Norge
- Finansdepartementet
- Finansforbundet
- Gabler
- Gjensidige Pensjonsforsikring
- Grieg Investor
- KS
- Kunnskapssenter for lengre arbeidsliv
- LO
- Nordea
- Norges Banks Pensjonskasse
- Norsk Pensjon
- Norsk Tjenestemannslag
- Oslo Pensjonsforsikring
- Pensjonistforbundet
- Pensjonskasseforeningen
- Pensjonskasse for fylkene
- Pensjonskassen for helseforetakene i hovedstadsområdet
- Pensjonskontoret
- Samfunnsbedriftene
- Sluttvederlagsordningen
- Sparebank1
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- Unio
- Virke
- YS