Changing labour markets, life-course and pensions
In which ways do labour market change and subsequent life-course effects challenge pension provision and how do pension systems respond to such challenges? The conference, organized by the Finnish Centre for Pensions in cooperation with ESPAnet, ESA Research Network on Ageing in Europe, the Social Policy Association in Finland and University of Helsinki, will bring together top researchers and professionals to debate this highly topical issue.
The conference is fully booked, but you can follow the live streaming of the conference.
•Anna D’Addio, Senior Pension Policy Analyst, “Life course, career breaks and pensions: issues and challenges in an international perspective”
•Joakim Palme (University of Uppsala), “Retirement and Inequality”
•Traute Meyer (University of Southampton), “Free Movement with the EU – Developments and Effects on Pensions”
•Dirk Hofäcker (University of Duisburg-Essen), “From Early Exit to Active Ageing – Do Employability Policies Promote an Increase in Social Inequalities in Later Life”
•Kathrin Komp (University of Helsinki), “Life-course Influences on Retirement Age: Effects at the Individual, Family, and Country Level”
Comments by Katja Veirto (Akava), Jaakko Kiander (Ilmarinen), Noora Järnefelt (Finnish Centre for Pensions) and Roope Uusitalo (University of Jyväskylä).