Health, longevity and retirement reform
Trond Christian Vigtel presenterte foredraget "Heving av nedre aldersgrense - effekter på offentlige utgifter" på Pensjonsforum 11. oktober. Foredraget er basert på artikkelen "Health, longevity and retirement reform" publisert i tidsskriftet Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Vigtel har skrevet artikkelen sammen med Tobias Laun, Simen Markussen og Johanna Wallenius.
Fra abstractet:
In this paper, we study alternative retirement reforms designed to achieve fiscal sustainability in the face of demographic change. We are particularly interested in the heterogeneous effects across demographic groups, as improvements in health and longevity have not been uniform across the population. To this end, we develop a dynamic, structural life cycle model of heterogeneous agents who face health, mortality and income risk.