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Artikler som begynner med G

Gradual Retirement, Financial Incentives, and Labour Supply of Older Workers
Gradual Retirement, Financial Incentives, and Labour Supply of Older Workers

12 oktober 2015
  • Using data from a stated preferences experiment in the Netherlands, we find that replacing fulltime pension schemes with schemes that offer gradual retirement opportunities induce workers to retire one year later on average. Total life-time labour supply, however, decreases with 3.4 months because the positive effect of delayed retirement on labour supply is cancelled out by the reduction in working hours before full retirement.

Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist

fredag, 12 desember 2014
  • Age regulations in pension systems and labour market participation
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Guarantees and habit formation in pension schemes
Guarantees and habit formation in pension schemes

14 juli 2014
  • Many pension plans in the Netherlands guarantee that the (nominal) benefits will never decrease. The benefits can increase if the financial position of the fund allows, according to the so-called conditional indexation rule.

Gauging the Burden of Public Pensions on Cities

22 november 2013
  • Historier i pressen hevder - spesielt etter konkursen til Detroit - at pensjoner er en enorm kostnad for amerikanske byer og vil føre til omfattende kollapser. Det er derfor viktig å vite hvor store finansielle byrder pensjoner utgjør for byene.

Geir Tore Nygaard

fredag, 22 november 2013

Global Pension Systems and Their Reform: Worldwide Drivers, Trends, and Challenges

24 juni 2013
  • Across the world, pension systems and their reforms are in a constant state of flux driven by shifting objectives, moving reform needs, and a changing enabling environment. The ongoing worldwide financial crisis and the adjustment to an uncertain “new normal” will make future pension systems different from past ones.

Gender Difference of Pension Benefits in Urban China

21 juni 2013
  • China is becoming an ageing society. The social security system in urban China aims to protect the standard living of the elderly. However, the actuarial model predicts that the gender gap in pension benefits will tend to enlarge over the coming decades.

God jul og godt nytt år til Pensjonsforums medlemmer

12 desember 2012
  • Pensjonsforum ønsker alle medlemmer en riktig god jul og et godt nytt år. Vi ser frem til å kunne invitere til ny møter med spennende og dagsaktuelle temaer på pensjonsfeltet på nyåret.

Global Pension Systems and Their Reform: Worldwide Drivers, Trends, and Challenges

10 september 2012
  • Across the world, pension systems and their reforms are in a constant state of flux driven by shifting objectives, moving reform needs, and a changing enabling environment.

Global Pension Risk Survey 2011 US and Europe Survey Findings

13 juni 2012
  • Continued market volatility, changing regulatory regimes, and maturing pension liabilities continue to push managing pension risk up the agenda of corporate executives. Aon Hewitt's global pension risk study looks at the pension risk management attitudes and actions of plan sponsors around the world, as well as providers of pension risk management solutions (including asset managers, banks, and insurance providers). By looking at multiple regions and perspectives, Aon Hewitt's study aims to provide comprehensive data on the latest thinking and practices in global pension risk management.

Guidance for offering a default option for defined contribution automatic enrolment pension schemes

05 juni 2012
  • The Department for Work and Pensions is issuing this guidance to set out standards for default options in automatic enrolment defined contribution (DC) pension schemes. This default options guidance is principles-based and is a statement of good practice intended to support existing legislation. By this we mean it sets out high-level, non-regulatory principles to help establish good decision making when developing default options.

Good Practices on Pension Funds' Use of Alternative Investments and Derivatives

10 januar 2012
  • The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives. They outline how supervisors should oversee such investments and suggest possible regulatory controls.

    The character of the good practices emphasises the overriding principle that it is the responsibility of pension funds to develop their own alternative investment and derivatives policies in a responsible manner. As such, they may also help and encourage pension funds to improve their risk management practices and thereby use these instruments safely and effectively.