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Rapport fra Pensjonspolitisk arbeidsgruppe 2024

26 juni 2024

    Rapporten publiseres årlig av Pensjonspolitisk arbeidsgruppe, og beskriver hovedtrekk ved utviklingen i uttak av pensjon, yrkesaktivitet og inntekt i den eldre befolkningen. 

Regulering av pensjoner i 2024 og inntektsforholdene for pensjonister (Meld. St. 28 (2023–2024))

13 juni 2024
  • Meldinga redegjør for reguleringen av grunnbeløpet i folketrygden, reguleringsfaktorer, satser for minste pensjonsnivå og satser for garantipensjon i folketrygda fra 1. mai 2024 (trygdeoppgjøret).

Regulating the Retirement Age Lessons from Nordic pension policy approaches

26 april 2024
  • "The likelihood that longevity will continue to increase has generated a search for regulation that make people work longer as they live longer, and thus not just containing pension expenditure but also enlarging labor supply, economic growth, and tax revenue. In public pension policy, Nordic countries have led the world with three types of approaches aimed at making people retire later."

Relevant dimensions to give meaning to pension decisions
Relevant dimensions to give meaning to pension decisions

04 april 2024
  • Pension participants face complex decisions. Information about the decision alternatives often contains the exact monetary amounts associated with the alternatives. Grounded in Fuzzy-Trace Theory (FTT), the authors argue that informed decision making requires participants to (accurately) understand meaningful differences between decision alternatives, rather than to rely on purely numerical differences in amounts.

Retirement Consumption and Pension Design

20 mars 2024
  • This paper analyzes consumption to evaluate the distributional effects of pension reforms. Using Swedish administrative data, they show that on average, workers who retire earlier consume less while retired and experience larger drops in consumption around retirement.

Regjeringen foreslår regler for ny AFP i offentlig sektor

15 desember 2023
  • Regjeringa fremmer i dag et lovforslag om ny avtalefesta pensjon (AFP) i offentlig sektor. Endringene vil ifølge regjeringen gjøre det enklere å kombinere pensjon og jobb.

Regulating the retirement age—Lessons from Nordic pension policy approaches

30 november 2023
  • The likelihood that longevity will continue to increase has generated a search for regulation that make people work longer as they live longer, and thus not just containing pension expenditure but also enlarging labor supply, economic growth, and tax revenue. In public pension policy, Nordic countries have led the world with three types of approaches aimed at making people retire later.

Reforms of an early retirement pathway in Germany and their labor market effects

30 november 2023
  • The authors study causal effects of two early retirement reforms. Reform 1 increased normal retirement age stepwise from 60 to 63. Simultaneously, it became possible to use early retirement with benefit discounts. Reform 2 increased the age of early retirement stepwise from 60 to 63. 

Roar Bergan

torsdag, 25 august 2022

Reforming Occupational Pensions in the Netherlands: Contract and Intergenerational Aspects
Reforming Occupational Pensions in the Netherlands: Contract and Intergenerational Aspects

13 mai 2022
  • In the summer of 2020 the Dutch government and social partners have agreed on a pension reform involving the transformation of occupational pensions from the current defined-benefit (DB) based contract into a new defined contribution (DC) contract with some additional collective features. This involves a unique operation as all current DB entitlements—also those already built up—are expected be converted into DC type capital accounts.

Retirement preparation of self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 crisis
Retirement preparation of self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 crisis

14 mars 2022
  • Many, but not all, self-employed people have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. However, this crisis not only affects the current financial position of these individuals but may also affect their ability to prepare for an uncertain future.

Role of labor demand in the labor market effects of a pension reform
Role of labor demand in the labor market effects of a pension reform

14 mars 2022
  • This paper shows that labor demand plays an important role in the labor market reactions to a pension reform in Germany. Employers with a high share of older worker inflow compared with their younger worker inflow, employers in sectors with few investments in research and development, and employers in sectors with a high share of collective bargaining agreements allow their employees to stay employed longer after the reform.