Artikler som begynner med R
Regjeringen vil ikke forhandle offentlig tjenestepensjon Unios notatserie nr. 4/2016
09 mai 2016

Arbeidsministeren og regjeringen stengte 3. mai døra for forhandlinger om ny offentlig tjenestepensjon med arbeidstakerorganisasjonene. Regjeringen ville gjerne «forhandle», men ikke forhandle innenfor de ordinære oppgjørene. Å sluttføre forhandlingene om offentlig tjenestepensjon i tariffoppgjøret i 2017 ville de ikke. Det har ikke kommet noen god forklaring på hvorfor.
Retirement Income Adequacy: Concepts and Measurement
16 februar 2016

This paper offers a discussion of adequacy of retirement benefits. We have the Australian context in mind, but introduce extensive international comparisons to provide perspective.
Risk Management for the Future - Age, Risk, and Choice Architecture
03 februar 2016

How can regulation in an era of personal responsibility aid people to make the optimal decisions about their future risks, savings, and retirement? This study aims to deepen our understanding of how different age groups process choices in relation to future risk planning in diverse decision-making environments.
Roar Bergan
fredag, 18 desember 2015- Ny tjenestepensjon i offentlig sektor
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Rational pension policies
04 desember 2015

Aim of this keynote is to develop a framework how to approch the design of pension policies as rationally as possible. The first step is to realize and accommodate endogenous adjustments. The second syep is to align the root causes of demographic change with corresponding reform steps which include but are not confined by pension reform. The third step is to separate the issues as best as possible to strengthen the political feasibility of refrom.
Retirement age will rise as planned
02 oktober 2015

According to the projects made at the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the Government bill on the 2017 pension reform will lead to retirement at a later age and a higher employment rate. As working lives are extended, the pressure to increase the earnings-related pension contributions will be alleviated and the average pensions will rise.
Rapport fra SSB: Evaluering av pensjonsreformen – Direkte konsekvenser for arbeidsstyrken og offentlige budsjetter
03 september 2015

Pensjonsreformen vil virke etter intensjonen på lengre sikt. Innsparingen i utgiftene til alderspensjon blir større jo mer levealderen øker: Den årlige besparelsen anslås å komme opp i 82 milliarder kroner i 2060.
Retirement Coverage Expanded: UK vs US
09 april 2015

President Obama signed a January memo officially launching his MyRA program to encourage saving by low-income and other Americans who lack a retirement plan through their employers.
Roar Bergan
fredag, 13 februar 2015- Uførereformen: Hva skjedde og hvor står vi?
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Retaining older workers: The effect of phased retirement on delaying early retirement
03 februar 2015

Phased retirement involves reducing working time in the final years before retirement. The aim of phased retirement is to extend working careers and retain older workers who would otherwise opt for full early retirement. This article investigates the effect of offering phased retirement on early-retirement behaviour in Norway.
Retirement and Consumption in a Life Cycle Model
16 januar 2015

Consumption expenditure declines sharply at the time of retirement for many households, but the majority maintain a smooth consumption path. A simple life cycle model with uncertainty about the time of retirement can account for this pattern.
Retirement Patterns of Couples in Europe
16 januar 2015

In this paper we study the retirement patterns of couples in a multi-country setting using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe.