Artikler som begynner med G
God jul og godt nytt år!
20 desember 2024

Pensjonsforum takker for et innholdsrikt år - og ønsker dere alle en riktig god jul og et godt nytt år!
Så møtes vi igjen på nyåret. Første seminar i 2025 er planlagt fredag 31. januar. Så sett av datoen.
Fra februar av vil seminarene igjen kunne arrangeres i Fafos lokaler. Det gleder vi oss til.
Gender and educational differences in work participation and working years lost in Norway
13 juni 2024-
"This study aimed to quantify the duration of work participation and reasons for working years lost, according to gender and educational attainment, among a Norwegian population."
Global Burden of Disease 2021: Findings from the GBD 2021 Study
28 mai 2024-
Siden 1990 har dødeligheten falt dramatisk og levealderen har økt. Antall forventede leveår med god helse har også økt, både for menn og kvinner.
Generation veXed: solving the retirement puzzle
23 januar 2020

This report compares the financial wellness of Generation X to the preceding generation, Baby Boomers and the following generation Millennials. It explores the risks they face in later life and how policy, industry and employer interventions could mitigate these risks.
Gender gap in pensions persist in spite of extended working lives
27 november 2018

The working lives of men and women are almost equally long, but women still get lower old-age pensions than men. The problem lies in women’s lower wages and their work history. Extending working lives alone will not fix the gender gap in pensions, researchers at the Finnish Centre for Pensions argue.
Geir Holmgren
fredag, 13 april 2018- Forvaltning av fripoliser
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Gender inequalities in employment and pensions
ETK Conference 2018 i Finland 18. mai
10 april 2018

Despite recent efforts to equalize the treatment of men and women in the pension system design in many countries, the gender gap in pensions persists. This gap contributes to old-age income inequality in Europe and beyond.
George Kudrna
onsdag, 01 mars 2017- The Norwegian reform seen from far away
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Gerhard Salicath
fredag, 30 september 2016- Historiske pensjonskostnader – hva nå?
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Geir Veland
fredag, 04 mars 2016- Utviklingstrekkene i tjenestepensjonsmarkedet
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Goals to extend working life will be concretized in pensions in 2017
15 desember 2015

In recent years in Finland, the extension of working life and the future sustainability of public-sector finances have been topics of extensive discussion. The EU Commission has encouraged Finland to consider linking the retirement age to the extending life expectancy. After the 2005 pension reform, changes in life expectancy were taken into account in the form of a life expectancy coefficient that regulates pension levels.
Gradual Retirement, Financial Incentives, and Labour Supply of Older Workers: Evidence from a Stated Preference Analysis
20 november 2015

Using data from a stated preferences experiment in the Netherlands, we find that replacing full-time pension schemes with schemes that offer gradual retirement opportunities induce workers to retire one year later on average.