Artikler som begynner med C
Contribution of age, gender and occupational group to the higher risk of disability retirement among Finnish public sector employees
08 mars 2023-
The aim of this study was to examine the differences in disability retirement between public and private sector employees and to examine the contribution of age, gender and occupational group to the differences between the sectors.
Choice of pension management fees and effects on pension wealth
29 mai 2020

To shed light on the effects of individual choice on pension wealth, we study a policy change to the management fees of pension funds implemented by Peru’s government in 2013. The reform established a new balance fee as a default option; this fee is calculated as a percentage of the pension balance. Each individual had the initial option of keeping the previous management fee, a load factor fee calculated as a percentage of the individual’s salary.
Can I stay or should I go? Mandatory retirement and the labor-force participation of older workers
31 mars 2020

Retirement is commonly described as a pure labor-supply decision, despite the potential importance of the demand side. This partly reflects that the two dimensions are often difficult to disentangle. I here manage to overcome this difficulty by using a unique natural experiment, the progressive ban on mandatory retirement in France in the 2000s.
Changes in Employers’ ways of dealing with older workers, 2009–2017
22 januar 2020

Studies suggest that organizations across countries are more likely to send older staff members to early retirement than retain them, but there are signals that employers are increasingly showing support for longer working lives.
Countries should strengthen pension systems to adapt to changing world of work
19 desember 2019

Governments should urgently reform their pension systems to ensure that the growing share of workers in temporary or part-time employment can contribute enough during their working lives to receive an adequate income in retirement, according to a new OECD report.
Changing places: Mid-career review and internal mobility
19 mai 2017

Demographic ageing poses the challenge of how to keep people in employment for longer without negatively affecting their health and well-being. The solutions are particularly critical for workers engaged in arduous work. This report examines how mid-career reviews can play a key role by clarifying workers’ options for remaining in work until a later retirement age.
Changing labour markets, life-course and pensions

Pensjonskonferanse i Finland 19. mai (med live streaming) 16 mai 2017
In which ways do labour market change and subsequent life-course effects challenge pension provision and how do pension systems respond to such challenges? The conference, organized by the Finnish Centre for Pensions in cooperation with ESPAnet, ESA Research Network on Ageing in Europe, the Social Policy Association in Finland and University of Helsinki, will bring together top researchers and professionals to debate this highly topical issue.
Cost of Aging
16 mars 2017

Ronald Lee & Andrew Mason
As populations in richer nations get older, GDP growth slows, support costs rise, and government budgets feel pressure.
Comparing contributions in nine EU countries
17 november 2016

Relative to GDP, the pension contribution level is the highest in Denmark and the lowest in Sweden. Finland stands out with high employer contributions and lower-than-average employee’s contributions. This is evident from the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ comparison.
Can We Increase Retirement Saving?
08 september 2016

Workers today must save to gain a secure retirement. Failing to save assures a sharp drop in living standards when the paychecks stop, and ample evidence indicates that many Americans are not saving enough.
Comparing the Robustness of PAYG Pension Schemes
24 mai 2016

This paper provides a framework for modelling defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) point schemes, which are both pay-as-you go (PAYG) financed. Most sustainability issues pertain to unfunded schemes. Sustainability is less an issue for funded defined contribution schemes as pensions are financed by the contributions and their returns on accumulated assets. In particular, in funded defined contribution schemes, individuals bear the different risks.
Consumer financial advice and guidance for high risk DC savers
01 mars 2016

This report looks to explore the demand for and supply of financial advice, and some options for bringing these in line with each other. The reports explores several options to help customers get the best possible outcomes at retirement.