Artikler som begynner med W
Workshop on Pension Dashboards and Retirement Behavior
18 november 2024-
The workshop will serve as a forum for discussing the latest research and developments in pension dashboards and retirement behavior. As pension tracking systems become increasingly prevalent, the event will offer a valuable platform for collaboration and networking. In addition, the workshop will invite leading experts to share insights from their practical experience of creating, implementing, and working successfully with pension dashboards in Europe.
Will the Jobs of the Future Support an Older Workforce?
30 mars 2022

Retirement ages in the United States have been rising for decades but the continuation of this trend depends on employers in the future looking to fill jobs that older workers can do. This study considers whether the occupations that are projected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to grow faster by 2030 are those that are suitable for older workers.
Work Less but Stay Longer
18 oktober 2021

Working paper by Erik Hernaes, Zhiyang Jia, John Piggott and Trond Christian Vigtel
Many consider that reducing the eligibility age for pension benefits will discourage labor supply by mature workers. This paper analyzes a recent Norwegian pension reform which effectively lowered the eligibility age of retirement from 67 to 62 for a group of workers.
Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
25 januar 2021

Objectives The demographic changes in Europe underline the need for an extension of working lives. This study investigates the importance of physical work demands and psychosocial work factors for working beyond the state pension age (65 years).
Work Less but Stay Longer: Mature Worker Response to a Flexibility Reform
01 desember 2020

Working paper by Erik Hernaes, Zhiyang Jia, John Piggott and Trond Christian Vigtel.
Reducing the eligibility age for pension benefits is considered by many as a policy that will discourage labor supply by mature workers. This paper analyzes a recent Norwegian pension reform which effectively lowered the eligibility age of retirement from 67 to 62 for a group of workers.
Will long-run health trends in Europe turn negative?
24 mars 2020

Alarmed by the worsening health for middle-aged baby-boomers in the US, we conduct a cohort analysis of health deficits similar to Abeliansky and Strulik (2019) but focus on middle-aged individuals. As opposed to previous findings, we find that health among the middle-aged has stalled, and in some cases worsened, for the more recent birth cohorts.
Working Pensioners in Europe - Demographics, health, economic situation and the role of pension systems
24 mars 2020

Over the past decades, combining pension benefits with work income has been made more accessible for pensioners in many European countries. The literature on working pensioners choosing a flexible transition into retirement is to date relatively sparse. This article adds to the few cross-country studies and explicitly investigates the role of pension systems in facilitating or hampering flexible retirement.
Will future pensioners work for longer and retire on less?
31 juli 2019

This short publication compares income replacement rates provided by pension systems across generations for all OECD countries. While Pensions at a Glance, one of OECD's flagship pension publications, routinely computes future replacement rates based on current legislation, it the first time such an exercise is undertaken from generations who retired about 15 years ago up to generations entering the labour market now.
Working Beyond Retirement Age: What Do Employers, Employees, and Independent Contractors Think?
26 juni 2019

The impact of raising the state retirement age is felt by employers, older employees and self-employed people in the Netherlands. The first two groups are mainly concerned.
Working conditions in post‑retirement jobs: A European comparison
21 juni 2019

A relatively new phenomenon in the Netherlands, as well as in other Western countries, is the emergence of a workforce of retirees. Retirement no longer necessarily means an abrupt and permanent withdrawal from the job market.
Which Norwegian Enterprises Offer the Poorest and the Best Pension Entitlements?
14 mai 2019

Artikkel av Tove Midtsundstad skrevet som en del av EVAPEN-prosjektet Interactions between national and labour market based pensions in Norway: pension outcomes and policy processes.
The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) remains the cornerstone of the Norwegian pension system. The introduction of a mandatory occupational pension in 2006, and the restructuring of the contractual pension (AFP) in 2008, have, however, significantly increased the importance of labor market based pensions.
Who opt for a partial old-age pension?
31 januar 2019

A study on the factors behind the choice to take early payment of a partial old-age pension.
This study examines people who have chosen to take early payment of a partial old-age pension. Who among those eligible make this choice?