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Artikler som begynner med W

Who Retires Early?

05 januar 2012
  • Proposals to ‘increase the retirement age’ under Social Security now appear frequently as part of plans to close the program’s projected long-term deficit. These proposals usually call for an increase in the age at which unreduced benefits are paid. That age, now 66, is scheduled to increase to 67 for everyone turning 62 in 2022 or later.

What explains state variation in Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application rates?

01 desember 2011
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applications and receipts vary greatly by state (McVicar 2006; Bound and Burkhauser 1999; Rupp and Stapleton 1998), which has led to concerns about potential inconsistencies in the application of disability standards. This possibility has prompted numerous Congressional hearings and reports and led the Social Security Advisory Board (2001a; 2001b) to express concern about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) ability to disentangle the potential causes.

    Much of the previous work focuses on the SSDI rolls, allowance rates or award rates; not as much attention has been paid to application rates (also referred to as filing rates) since Rupp and Stapleton (1998) summarized the known factors affecting caseloads.

    Work by the Social Security Administration (SSA 1988) finds that economic and demographic differences are significant factors in explaining state SSDI application rates, but their sample lacks information about the underlying health of the population. Strand (2002) advances this work by adding some, albeit limited, health and health insurance information but also covers a very short time period (1997-1999). Duggan and Imberman (2009) explore the relationship between applications and the unemployment rate but do not control for other potentially confounding factors.

Why Do Boomers Plan to Work So Long? (US)

08 august 2011
  • Recent changes in retirement trends and patterns have raised questions about the likely retirement behavior of baby boomers, the large cohort born between 1946 and 1964.

Will We Have to Work Forever? (US)

08 august 2011
  • Today, the average retirement age is 63. If people continue to retire at 63, they are going to face a severe decline in living standards at retirement for a number of reasons.

Why Have Defined Benefit Plans Survived in the Public Sector (US)?

04 juli 2011
  • While 401(k) plans now dominate the private sector, defined benefit plans remain the norm among state and local governments. Why have public sector employers not shifted from defined benefit plans to 401(k)s like their private sector counterparts?

Why Have Some States (US) Introduced Defined Contribution Plans?

04 juli 2011
  • Although defined benefit plans dominate the state and local sector, in the last decade twelve states have introduced some form of defined contribution plan.

Workers' Response to the Market Crash: Save More, Work More?

27 april 2011
  • The stock market crash of 2008 significantly dimmed the retirement prospects of workers approaching retirement. These workers are heavily dependent on 401(k) plans, as opposed to traditional defined benefit pensions, as a source of retirement income.