Artikler som begynner med T
Trond Tørstad
fredag, 25 oktober 2024- Hvordan arbeider Norsk Pensjon for å bedre pensjonsinformasjonen?
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The 2024 Pension Adequacy Report (EU27 + Norway..). Current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU. Volume I
30 september 2024

The report’s main focus is on old-age pension systems. It looks primarily at statutory pensions, incorporating the adequacy contribution of supplementary pensions where relevant. The report also looks at the role of survivors’ pensions in providing adequate old-age income for surviving spouses.
Trond Finn Eriksen
mandag, 30 september 2024- Arbeidsgrupperapport Fripoliser og annen privat tjenestepensjon. Noen betraktninger
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The political process and phase‐in period of pension reforms
18 september 2024

Based on 1,828 legislated reform packages in 23 countries from 1970 to 2023 the paper determine whether those reforms improve or worsen the financial position of the current participants and the length of the phase‐in periods. The research contributes to understanding the political economy of pension reforms and their implementation timelines.
Total pension in Finland 2024. How are earnings-related pensions, national pensions and taxation determined?
20 mars 2024-
The amount of the net take-home pension is affected by how earnings-related and national pension benefits and the taxation of pensions are determined. This report provides an overview of how these factors have been determined for 2024.
Torunn Bragstad
fredag, 01 mars 2024- Unge i NAV: Fra arbeidsavklaring til uføretrygd
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The effects of an increase in the retirement age on health care costs: evidence from administrative data
30 november 2023-
The paper use unique health record data that cover outpatient care and the associated costs to quantify the health care costs of a sizable increase in the retirement age in Germany.
The Impact of Health on Labor Supply near Retirement
30 november 2023-
Estimates of how health affects employment vary considerably. The authors assess how different methods and health measures impact estimates of the impact of health on employment using a unified framework for the United States and England.
The 2023 France Pension Reform
30 november 2023-
Pension reform is never easy but in some countries it seems to be particularly difficult. Over the past months, France saw widespread protests against planned reforms, in particular against the increase of the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. To many outside observers this does not seem like a particularly radical reform, given that many OECD countries are on the way to reaching a pension age beyond 65.
Tale Hellevik
fredag, 16 juni 2023- Veier ut av arbeidslivet
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Trends in pension saving among the long-term self-employed
14 april 2023-
The number of self-employed workers has been rising rapidly in the UK in recent decades. At the same time, private pension participation among this group has fallen sharply, leading to increasing concern among policymakers about the preparedness for retirement of self-employed workers. This report documents and analyses private pension saving using administrative data that follows the UK self-employed population over the decade from 2005–06 to 2014–15.
The Changing Landscape of Retirement
14 april 2023

Theoretical Perspectives on the Role of Retirement Transition in Socioeconomic Stratification at Older Ages
Retirement transition plays a key role in social stratification structures in later life. On the one hand, the retirement process is embedded in social structures, and the pre-retirement position influences the form of exit individuals can follow. On the other hand, the quality of the retirement transition affects an individual's post-retirement position. This article explore the role of retirement transition for the socioeconomic structure in later life.