Artikler som begynner med T
Trygdeoppgjøret 2020
04 september 2020

Regjeringen Solberg tviholder på en måte å regulere pensjonene på som i praksis frarøver alderspensjonistene for milliarder stikk i strid med Stortingets intensjon. Alderspensjonistene vil tape 1,1mrd. kroner i årets trygdeoppgjør.
Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjonsmarkedet i Norge 2019
23 juni 2020

Det ble i 2019 innbetalt i overkant av 109 milliarder kroner til livsforsikrings- og pensjonsprodukter hos medlemmene i Finans Norge. På samme tid i 2018 var innbetalt premie på 100 milliarder kroner og i 2017 på 93 milliarder kroner.
The pensions implications of COVID-19
02 juni 2020

There is much uncertainty associated with the current situation, not only in terms of immediate financial impacts, but also how retirement incomes, both current and future, might be affected. The most immediate impact on pensions has been the significant falls and subsequent volatility in the stock market.
The unequal burden of retirement reform. Evidence from Australia.
27 februar 2020

As many governments attempt to contain rising expenditure on retirement pensions by increasing eligibility ages, there are concerns that such reforms disproportionately affect poorer households. In this paper, I examine this trade-off in the context of a 1994 Australian reform that increased women’s pensioneligibility age from 60 to 65.
The role of pension knowledge in labour supply decisions. Evidence from Europe.
27 februar 2020

Many countries have recently increased retirement ages. The central question is, do individuals know about these new pension rules? And do they adjust their pension expectations and labor market behavior accordingly?
Thomas Piketty: Several universal retirement schemes are possible
21 januar 2020

Could we possibly have a reasoned debate about the several alternative retirement schemes? To judge from the government’s attitude, one might well doubt it.
The impact of migration on pension system sustainability: scenario calculations
21 januar 2020

In this report, the long-term effects of immigration and migration on demography, employment rates, pension expenditure and pension contributions are reviewed through scenario calculations. The main emphasis is on calculations on earnings-related pensions.
Two pension systems to become one
18 desember 2019

Private and public pension systems will merge into one pension system. Among other things, the merger will strengthen the sustainability and risk management of the earnings-related pension system and streamline the definition of disability and the criteria for disability pensions.
Trond Christian Vigtel
fredag, 11 oktober 2019- Aldersgrenser og fordeling
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Tove Midtsundstad og Roy A. Nielsen
fredag, 11 oktober 2019- Heving av aldersgrensen for stillingsvern - arbeidsgiveres og arbeidstakeres tilpasninger
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Tove Midtsundstad
fredag, 11 oktober 2019- PensjonsLAB: Nytt pensjonssystem – Legitimitet, Atferdsvirkninger og Bærekraft
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The effect of demographic developments and growth on the optimal statutory retirement age
16 september 2019

This paper develops a stylized model that can serve as an instrument to assess how long term trends as demographic change and rising living standards affect the optimal future rise of the statutory retirement age (sra) in the Netherlands. As yet there is no such instrument.