Artikler som begynner med T
Trust in pension funds, or the importance of being financially sound
23 mars 2023-
Is the trust that participants have in their pension fund affected by its funding ratio (i.e., asset/liabilities ratio)? Based on survey, carried out in October 2021, among Dutch pension fund participants we link our survey data to the funding ratio of their pension fund as registered by the pension regulator.
The effect of pension wealth on employment
09 januar 2023

This study provides novel evidence about the pension wealth elasticity of employment. For the identification we exploit reform-induced variation of pension wealth that is related to the number of children but which does not affect the implicit tax rate of employment.
Trust and Distrust in Pension Institutions in Times of Decline and Reform
24 oktober 2022

Participants’ trust in pension intstitutions (pension funds and government) is crucial because pension providers try to fulfil their pension promises in a fundamentally uncertain world. Therefore, buffers are necessary to cover shocks, like the Great Recession, in order to make good on those promises.
Tove Midtsundstad
fredag, 30 september 2022- Hvorfor tar de ut pensjon så tidlig –og hva brukes pengene på?
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Tove Midtsundstad
fredag, 20 mai 2022- Seinkarrierer etter pensjonsreformen
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The unequal burden of retirement reform: Evidence from Australia
28 mars 2022

As governments try to contain rising expenditure on retirement pensions by increasing eligibility ages, there are concerns that such reforms disproportionately affect poorer households. Using detailed longitudinal data, I examine this trade-off in the context of an Australian reform that increased women’s pension-eligibility age from 60 to 65.
Tone Meldalen
fredag, 20 august 2021- Status for innføringen av egen pensjonskonto
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Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjonsmarkedet i Norge 2020
10 juni 2021

Det ble i 2020 innbetalt i overkant av 104 milliarder kroner til livsforsikrings- og pensjonsprodukter hos medlemmene i Finans Norge. På samme tid i 2019 var innbetalt premie på 109 milliarder kroner og i 2018 på 100 milliarder kroner.
Trygdedrøftingene 2021
25 mai 2021

Trygdedrøftingene 2021 markerer slutten på et reguleringsregime som har gitt pensjonistene usedvanlig dårlig uttelling i mange år. Regjeringen Solbergs hardnakkede motstand mot å endre måten det skal underreguleres på ble i forkant av årets trygdeoppgjør nedkjempet av Stortinget.
Technology, Labour Market Institutions and Early Retirement: Evidence from Finland
14 januar 2021

There are two major barriers to increasing employment of older workers. First, older workers engaged in codifiable, routine tasks are particularly prone to the risk of being displaced by computers and robots. Second, several countries have in place various labour market institutions that encourage early retirement, such as exceptional entitlements or looser criteria for unemployment and disability benefits applied to older individuals.
The Effects of Nudging on Pension Savings Decisions
30 november 2020

Choice is a vital element in the design of a pension system. This study shows that there is considerable appetite for having options in the accumulation phase.
To what extent can partial retirement ensure retirement income adequacy?
30 oktober 2020

Partial retirement before the state pension age allows people to reduce workload and maintain an adequate pension income at the same time. After a career of full-time work, those who retire part-time instead of full-time are much more likely to attain an income replacement of 70% during partial retirement, and subsequently a higher income replacement during full retirement.