Artikler som begynner med T
Thorstein Øverland
torsdag, 02 mars 2017- Kommentarer til Erling Selvig
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Tom Staavi
torsdag, 02 mars 2017- Kanskje vi skal gjøre pensjon enklere?
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Tone Meldalen
fredag, 20 januar 2017- Egen pensjonskonto
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The Power of Social Pensions
06 januar 2017

This paper examines the impacts of social pension provision among people of different ages. Utilizing the county-by-county rollout of the New Rural Pension Scheme in rural China, we find that, among the age-eligible people, the scheme provision leads to higher household income (18 percent) and food expenditure (10 percent), lower labor supply (6 percent), and better health (11-14 percent).
Tove Midtsundstad
fredag, 16 desember 2016- Særordninger for eldre – en oversikt
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The Future Book: unravelling workplace pensions, second edition 2016
10 oktober 2016

Changes occurring within the Defined Contribution (DC) pension world mean that, in future, retirees will be: living longer; entitled to the state pension later; more likely to reach retirement with DC savings; and, have greater flexibility of access to DC savings from age 55.
Tall og fakta om uføre og uføretrygd
26 september 2016

Vilkårene for å få innvilget uføretrygd er beskrevet i kapittel 12 i folketrygdloven. I denne artikkelen får du en oppsummering av de fem vilkårene.
The Effects of the Early Retirement Age on Retirement Decisions
16 september 2016

We present quasi-experimental evidence on the effects of increasing the Early Retirement Age (ERA) on older workers' retirement decisions. The analysis is based on social security reforms in Austria in 2000 and 2004, and administrative data allows us to distinguish between pension claims and job exits.
Thore Johnsen
fredag, 09 september 2016- Kapitalforvaltning:Avveining mellom avkastning og risiko
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Towards a practical and scientifically sound tool for measuring time and risk preferences in pension savings decisions
23 august 2016

We present a recently developed experimental method to estimate individuals’ time and risk preferences and test it for its suitability in the pension context.
The Displacement Effect of Compulsory Pension Savings on Private Savings
19 august 2016

We study the displacement effect of mandatory occupational pension saving on private household wealth in the Netherlands, separately for wage-employed and self-employed. We use rich administrative data on (pension) wealth and income and apply a range of identification strategies, from IV regressions to propensity score matching and difference-in-differences analyses, to determine the displacement effects.To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, we merge pension funds balance sheet data to the micro data of their members.
The Health Implications of Social Pensions: Evidence from China's New Rural Pension Scheme
20 mai 2016

This paper estimates the causal effect of income on health outcomes of the elderly and investigates underlying mechanisms by exploiting an income change induced by the launch of China's New Rural Pension scheme (NRPS). Using this policy experiment, we address the endogeneity of pension income by applying a fixed-effect model with instrumental variable correction.