Artikler som begynner med R
Rural Pension, Income Inequality and Family Transfer in China
03 april 2014-
China’s new Rural Pension scheme, announced in October 2009, is destined to be the world’s largest, at least in terms of membership. By the time it is fully implemented, in 2012, it will comprise some 600 million members, with about 105 million receiving benefits at that time.
Retirement Patterns of Couples in Europe
14 februar 2014-
In this paper we study the retirement patterns of couples in a multi-country setting using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe.
Reforming pensions in Europe: a comparative country analysis
10 februar 2014-
This working paper assesses the impact of the economic crisis on European pension systems and provides a comparative overview of the measures imposed on European pension systems, together with their effects.
Rethinking Age-Period-Cohort Mortality Trend Models
16 januar 2014-
Longevity risk arising from uncertain mortality improvement is one of the major risks facing annuity providers and pension funds. In this paper we show how applying trend models from non-life claims reserving to age-period-cohort mortality trends provides new insight in estimating mortality improvement and quantifying its uncertainty.
Risk Reallocation in Defined Contribution Funded Pension Systems
06 januar 2014-
In many countries pension systems are being reformed, because their sustainability is threatened. In particular, a number of countries have set up funded pension arrangements to complement or replace non-funded, pay-as-you-go arrangements, while other countries already featuring a sizable funded pillar are reconsidering its design. This paper explores the introduction of collective risk-reallocation elements in defined contribution pension contracts.
Reformer i det chilenske pensjonssystemet
11 november 2013-
Chiles privatisert pensjonssystem har blitt hyllet som mulig modell for andre land. Samtidig har det blitt kritisert for å ha et for svakt sikkerhetsnett. Dette var bakgrunnen for at det i 2008 ble tatt initiativ til en pensjonsreform i landet. De første erfaringene med denne reformen drøftes i dette notatet fra Universitetet i Pennsylvania.
Roar Bergan
fredag, 18 oktober 2013- Ny uføreordning i offentlig sektor
- Last ned foredrag
Risk, Redistribution and Retirement The Role of Pension Schemes
02 oktober 2013-
Amsterdam, 2 October 2004. More than 300,000 supporters of the political opposition and members of labour unions went to Amsterdam to demonstrate against the plans of the government to abolish the favourable tax treatment of early retirement schemes in the Netherlands.
Rational Pensions for Irrational People
04 september 2013-
This paper examines some of the main behavioral patterns that determine personal saving, investment, and retirement decisions, and considers ways to move them in a socially desirable direction.
Risk, Redistribution and Retirement The Role of Pension Schemes
22 august 2013-
This thesis studies the effects of redistribution and risk sharing in collective pensions on economic behaviour, with particular attention paid to the retirement decision.
Riktig god sommer!
25 juni 2013-
Pensjonsforum ønsker alle sine medlemmer en riktig god sommer. Vi sees til nye seminarer til høsten.
Review of the Irish pension system
24 juni 2013-
The OECD Review of the Irish Pension System recommends that the Government put in place either a universal basic pension scheme or a single means-tested pension, both topped up with a compulsory private pension.