Artikler som begynner med R
Retirement: Does Individual Unemployment Matter? Evidence from Danish Panel Data 1980–2009
14 januar 2015

The paper studies the impact from variations in unemployment on retirement among older workers. We integrate unemployment variations with early retirement programs and other pathways out of the labor force.
Recruiting and Retaining High-Quality State and Local Workers: Do Pensions Matter?
09 januar 2015

Many state and local governments have responded to challenges facing their pension plans by cutting benefits. Will these cuts make it harder for state and local governments to recruit and retain high-quality workers? To date, the answer has been difficult to obtain; most micro-level datasets contain information on the existence of pensions but not on pension generosity.
Retirement replacement rates and saving behavior
02 desember 2014

We study whether the retirement replacement rate in uences households' saving behavior by using the RAND Health and Retirement Study data le. We estimate quantile regressions with the ratio of wealth to permanent income as dependent variable, and age dummies and the retirement replacement rate as main independent variables.
Review of the Swedish National Pension Funds
19 november 2014

This paper provides a review of the Swedish National Pension Funds based on international good practice and OECD guidelines. The paper focuses mainly on the general size and structure of the funds, the investment framework and the governance of the funds.
Risk Sharing Pension Plans: The Dutch Experience
04 november 2014

This technical briefing note draws on the experience of running “Defined Ambition” style pension plans in the Netherlands. The recent experience of the Netherlands offers lessons for plans with similar risk-sharing or collective elements that could be established in the UK.
Returning to Work after Retirement - Who, What and Why?
06 oktober 2014

Extending working lives was one of the key objectives of the so-called Lisbon strategy in 2000 and still is an integral part of the European Employment Strategy. It is also seen by successive Dutch cabinets as part of the answer to the ageing of the labor market and the challenge of keeping the social welfare state affordable. The prolongation of working life after retirement is one example of how this policy objective can be realized.
Retirement patterns of couples in Europe
01 oktober 2014

In this paper we study the retirement patterns of couples in a multi-country setting using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe.
Retirement intentions in the presence of technological change: theory and evidence from France
30 september 2014

This paper investigates the role of productivity as a determinant of the worker’s retirement intentions. Using an overlapping generation framework, we analyze the retirement decision of a cohort of workers being ability heterogeneous.
Risk, Redistribution and Retirement - The Role of Pension Schemes
05 september 2014

This thesis studies the effects of redistribution and risk sharing in collective pensions on economic behaviour, with particular attention paid to the retirement decision.
Reasons for a Change in Retirement Age
29 august 2014

Workers who report a change in their expected retirement age in 2014 most often cite the poor economy (25 percent), according to a new report from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute.
Retirement Incentives in Belgium
11 august 2014

The paper studies retirement behavior of wage‐earners in Belgium – for the first time using rich survey data to explore retirement incentives as faced by individuals.
Runa Kristiane Sæther
fredag, 13 juni 2014- Fripoliser sett fra Finanstilsynet
- Last ned foredrag