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Artikler som begynner med R

Risk Sharing and Individual Lifecycle Investing in Funded Collective Pensions

09 april 2013
  • The paper deals with the question of whether it is possible to combine the insights and recommendations of optimal individual lifecycle investing with the proven gains of defined benefit pension funds. These gains primarily stem from cost efficiency and (intergenerational) risk sharing.

Review of pensioner's taxation: Final report

18 februar 2013
  • For most people, during their working lifetime, tax payments have effectively been on “autopilot”. They have benefitted from being a part of the “Pay as You Earn” (PAYE) system. This has meant that a combination of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and employers have ensured that on each pay day, an employee has paid broadly the right amount of tax. If a person has been a higher rate taxpayer the benefits of PAYE have still applied.

Real Pension Rights as a Control Mechanism for Pension Fund Solvency

29 januar 2013
  • This paper models policy responses to changes in solvency by Dutch occupational pension funds using a unique panel dataset containing the balance sheets of all registered pension funds in the Netherlands over a period of 15 years (1993–2007). The model describes how nominal pension rights are expanded, by e.g. indexation or backservice, or, on the contrary, how the current pension accumulation is skimmed, e.g. by setting the pension premium over its actuarially fair price to build buffers.

Retirement Responses to a Generous Pension Reform: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Eastern Europe

22 januar 2013
  • The retirement decision is under researched in developing and emerging countries, despite the topic’s close relation to many development issues such as poverty reduction and social security, and despite the fact that population ageing will increasingly challenge the developing world.

Real Pension Rights as a Control Mechanism for Pension Fund Solvency

03 desember 2012
  • This paper models policy responses to changes in solvency by Dutch occupational pension funds using a unique panel dataset containing the balance sheets of all registered pension funds in the Netherlands over a period of 15 years (1993–2007).

Retirement income and assets: the implications for retirement income of Government policies to extend working lives

30 mai 2012
  • The sixth report in the PPI's Retirement Income and Assets series considers the implications for retirement income of Government policies to extend working lives. The research examines how much longer today’s over 50s in England in 2011 might need to work and save to meet target levels of retirement income. The report is the sixth in a series of research reports on retirement income and assets in the UK.

Review of international pension reform

16 april 2012
  • The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) commissioned this review of international pension schemes and pension reform to draw together evidence, potential learning points and areas of distinction between the UK and comparator countries, to inform implementation of the Government’s workplace pension reforms.

Retirement income and assets: the implications of ending the effective requirement to annuitise by age 75

14 november 2011
  • “For the vast majority of people, annuitising is likely to remain the safest and most appropriate option for converting defined contribution pension savings into a retirement income” says Pensions Policy Institute report

    In 2010 the vast majority of people aged between 55 and 75 would not have had a large enough private pension pot to be able to bear the investment and longevity risks associated with Capped Drawdown and would not have been able to meet the Government’s Minimum Income Requirement of having a secure pension income of £20,000 per year, according to new research
    published today by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).

    The research is the fifth report in the PPI’s retirement income and assets series, looking at the future of retirement income and assets in the UK. The report explores the implications of the Government’s new legislation that ends the effective requirement to purchase an annuity by age 75.

Reform on Pension Fund Governance and Management - The 1998 Reform of Korea National Pension Fund

02 september 2011
  • This paper provides a detailed chronological account of the governance-cum-management reform of National Pension Fund in Korea and analyzes its success factors, drawing lessons for other countries. A review of the current governance structures with the fund versus OECD guidelines and international good practice is also provided, along with suggestions for further reform.

Risk Pooling and the Market Crash: Lessons From Canada's Pension Plan

24 mai 2011
  • Defined contribution plans are now the nation’s primary private retirement income program and repository of retirement savings.

Retirement outcomes and lifetime earnings

24 mai 2011
  • A paper examined evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing on individuals' circumstances at or near retirement, matched with information on their lifetime earnings from national insurance administrative records.

Responding to the Downturn: How Does Information Change Behavior?

13 april 2011
  • Many workers nearing retirement experienced a dramatic decrease in their retirement assets due to the stock market downturn. In order to maintain their expected standard of living in retirement, workers will need to work longer, save more, or do both.