Artikler som begynner med L
Longevity risk, cost of capital and hedging for life insurers under Solvency II
22 juli 2014

The cost of capital is an important factor determining the premiums charged by life insurers issuing life annuities. Insurers will be able to offer more finely priced annuities if they can reduce this cost whilst maintaining solvency. This capital cost can be reduced by hedging longevity risk with longevity swaps, a form of reinsurance.
Longevity Risk, Subjective Survival Expectations, and Individual Saving Behavior
20 mai 2014

Theoretical studies suggest that unexpected changes in future survival probabilities, that is, longevity risk, are important determinants of individuals’ decision making about consumption, saving, allocation of assets, and retirement timing.
Lars Eivind Haartveit
fredag, 16 mai 2014- Kommentar Haartveit
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LOs tillitsvalgtpanel: Pensjon – hett tema men stor usikkerhet
14 mai 2014-
De LO-tillitsvalgte er opptatt av pensjon og engasjerer seg i de endringene som pågår på arbeidsplassene i privat sektor. Svært mange har en minimumsordning, og flertallet ønsker å få på plass brede, tariffestede ordninger. Samtidig er usikkerheten om pensjon svært stor.
Lower-Income Individuals Without Pensions: Who Misses Out and Why?
20 mars 2014-
In 2010, only 19 percent of individuals ages 50-58 whose household incomes were less than 300 percent of the poverty line participated in a pension of any kind at their current jobs, compared to 56 percent of those above 300 percent of poverty. This paper investigates this pension gap.
Labor Force Transitions at Older Ages
06 mars 2014-
Besides compensation and financial incentives, several other work-related factors may affect individual retirement decisions. Specifically, job characteristics such as autonomy, skill variety, task significance and difficulty, stress and physical demands, peer pressure and relations with co-workers, play a crucial role in determining psychological commitment to work at older ages.
Labour Force Participation of Mature Age Men in Australia: The Role of Spousal Participation
05 februar 2014-
In this paper we estimate the interdependence of labour force participation decisions made by Australian couples from 2001 to 2011. We focus on couples with a mature age husband, and estimate the interdependence of the participation decision of the couple.
Life expectancy by labor force status and social class
04 februar 2014-
Increasing longevity and decreasing workers-to-non-workers ratio are among the key demographic challenges of the developed world. Working longer is a potential remedy. However, little is known about how increasing longevity is distributed between work and retirement.
Longevity risk, cost of capital and hedging for life insurers under Solvency II
25 november 2013-
I denne rapporten undersøkes betydningen av risiko, kapitalkostnader og hedging for premienivået på annuieteter i forbindelse med Solvency II regelverket.
Livrenter som pensjon i Chile
11 november 2013-
Det chilenske pensjonssystemet skiller seg fra de fleste andre lands ordninger, ved at to tredeler av alle pensjonister kjøper livrenter. I dette notatet, med tittelen «Pension Payouts in Chile: Past, Present, and Future Prospects», forklares annuitetssystemet nærmere.
Landmark pensions ruling for glassware workers
08 november 2013-
Former workers at Ireland’s Waterford Crystal have won a landmark ruling on their pensions. The European Court of Justice found that the Irish state did not adequately protect the pension entitlements of the workers when Waterford Crystal became insolvent in 2009.
Løsning i saken om lønn og pensjon
25 september 2013-
Nå er det klart, alderspensjonister i kommunesektoren kan jobbe samtidig som de tar ut pensjon, også i etter 2013. Kommunale pensjonister kan jobbe så mye de vil til en timelønn på 175 kroner timen pluss eventuelle ordinære tillegg for ubekvem arbeidstid.