Artikler som begynner med O
Oppreservering til langt liv
28 mars 2014-
Torsdag 27. mars oversendte Finansdepartementet brev til Finanstilsynet i forbindelse med opptrappingsplaner og anvendelse av overskudd for å dekke pliktige avsetninger til langt liv.
Ole Christian Lien
fredag, 28 februar 2014- Effekter av pensjonsreformen på pensjonsuttak og sysselsetting
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Older people inside and outside the labour market: A review
14 november 2013-
Befolkningen i Storbritannia eldes, på lik linje med resten av befolkningen i vestlige verden, denne rapporten utarbeidet av Policy Studies Institute gir en beskrivelse og oversikt over den eldre befolkningen som står innenfor og utenfor arbeidsmarkedet i Storbritannia.
Oppdrag for de norske Finansdepartementet om pensjonsfond utland
28 oktober 2013-
Netspar, som er et nederlandsk nettverk for pensjonsstudier, har fått oppdrag fra det norske Finansdepartementet. Forskerne ble blant annet bedt om å undersøke hvilke muligheter Statens pensjonsfond utland (SPU) har for å tjene på likviditetspremier i illikvide investeringer. Bakgrunnen er at pensjonsfondet er en stor investor med en lang horisont med kortsiktige likviditetsbehov og høy risikoevne.
Optimal Design and Regulation of Funded Pension Schemes
23 august 2013-
This paper reviews the role of pension fund regulation in addressing concerns with respect to intergenerational fairness and sustainability. Pension funds that facilitate intergenerational risk sharing can be found in many countries.
Occupational pension scheme governance - A report on the 2013 (seventh) scheme governance survey
07 juni 2013-
This report details the key findings of the seventh annual scheme governance survey, conducted on behalf of The Pensions Regulator.
Optimal Degree of Funding of Public Sector Pension Plans
18 mars 2013-
This paper explores the optimal degree of funding of public sector pension plans. It is assumed that a benevolent social planner decides on the contribution of current taxpayers to the funding of public sector pensions next period, weighing the interests of current and future tax payers.
Ole Christian Lien
fredag, 07 desember 2012- Seniorer i arbeidslivet - Hva påvirker beslutningen om å fortsette i jobb?
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Optimal Pension Design in General Equilibrium
21 august 2012-
The present paper aims to quantify efficiency properties of real world social security systems of various institutional designs in order to identify an optimal pension design. Starting from a benchmark economy without social security, we introduce alternative pension systems and compare the costs arising from liquidity constraints as well as labor and savings distortions versus the benefits from insurance provision against income and lifespan uncertainty.
OECD Pension Outlook 2012
10 juli 2012-
This first edition of the OECD Pensions Outlook takes a close look at the two main trends in pension design observed over the last two decades: first, the introduction of reforms to pay-as-you-go (PAYG), public pension systems such as later retirement and automatic adjustment mechanisms to pension benefits to improve the financial sustainability of these systems; second, the growth of funded private pension arrangements complementing PAYG public pensions. These developments are interlinked, as many pension reforms have ultimately led to a reduction in the replacement rate offered by PAYG public pension systems, increasing the need for later retirement and complementary forms of pension provision.
Ole Christian LIen
fredag, 15 juni 2012- Effekter av pensjonsreformen
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Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes Review of Certain Contracting-out Terms
04 juni 2012-
Since the introduction of the state earnings-related pension scheme (SERPS) in 1978, employees have been able to ‘contract-out’ – that is to give up all or part of their state Additional Pension benefits. In return they pay lower National Insurance contributions, or receive rebates of National Insurance contributions paid into their defined contribution pension schemes or personal pensions.