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Artikler som begynner med B

Building a distribution builder
Building a distribution builder

13 august 2014
  • Recent research suggests that advice and communication about investment risks can be improved by use of the Distribution Builder (Goldstein, Johnson, and Sharpe 2008).

Bare slik kan ytelsespensjonene reddes

09 april 2014
  • Hvis ytelsesordninger og hybridordninger overhode skal være et alternativ til innskuddspensjoner framover må regnskapsreglene endres. En slik endring er både mulig og ønskelig, går det fram av en fersk rapport fra Høgskolen i Hedmark.

Bør legge om pensjon

17 februar 2014
  • Tjenestepensjonen bør legges om i både offentlig og privat sektor, sier YS-leder Jorunn Berland og mener tiden er inne for å gjøre noe overordnet.

Banklovkommisjonens utredning nr. 28 – NOU 2013: 12 Uførepensjon i private tjenestepensjonsordninger

04 desember 2013
  • Banklovkommisjonen overleverte i dag en utredning med utkast til regler om ny uførepensjon i private tjenestepensjonsordninger til finansminister Siv Jensen.

Bjørn Atle Haugen

fredag, 22 november 2013

Business cycle and spillover effects on pre-retirement behavior in Spain

30 september 2013
  • We test the hypothesis that exits from the labor market for pre-retirement individuals in Spain respond mainly to economic conditions and to incentives by analyzing two effects.

Building a distribution builder Design considerations for financial investment and pension decisions

26 august 2013
  • Recent research suggests that advice and communication about investment risks can be improved by use of the Distribution Builder (Goldstein, Johnson, and Sharpe 2008). Essentially, this is an interactive tool that allows consumers to engage in a hypothetical investment task and to experience risk-return tradeoffs.

Building a distribution builder Design considerations for financial investment and pension decisions

12 juni 2013
  • Recent research suggests that advice and communication about investment risks can be improved by use of the Distribution Builder (Goldstein, Johnson, and Sharpe 2008). Essentially, this is an interactive tool that allows consumers to engage in a hypothetical investment task and to experience risk-return tradeoffs.

Building a distribution builder Design considerations for financial investment and pension decisions

05 juni 2013
  • Recent research suggests that advice and communication about investment risks can be improved by use of the Distribution Builder (Goldstein, Johnson, and Sharpe 2008). Essentially, this is an interactive tool that allows consumers to engage in a hypothetical investment task and to experience risk-return tradeoffs.

Behavioral Effects of Social Security Policies on Benefit Claiming, Retirement and Saving

24 september 2012
  • Social Security continues to be under substantial financial pressure (Social Security Administration Trustees Report, 2012). A number of policy changes have been suggested to enhance solvency, bring liabilities more in line with revenue, and in the process, encourage a population that is becoming increasingly long lived to delay retirement.

Banklovkommisjonen: Forslag til nye tjenestepensjoner

03 august 2012
  • Nå skal tjenestepensjonene tilpasses pensjonsreformen. Banklovkommisjonen la 28. juni fram forslag til nytt lovverk om kollektiv tjenestepensjonsforsikring.

Baby Boomers Envision What's Next?

28 november 2011
  • As boomers approach retirement they are less confident about financing their retirement through their own savings or pensions. They are more likely to expect to rely on Social Security. Their health is also declining. As a result they are less optimistic about their retirement, and now have lowered expectations. They anticipate working longer, at least on a part-time basis, for the additional income. This is especially true among working boomers with lower incomes. The recession and financial meltdown have played a role in this pessimism, since attitudes were fairly stable between 1998 and 2003, but have turned more negative this year.