Will future pensioners work for longer and retire on less?
31 juli 2019

This short publication compares income replacement rates provided by pension systems across generations for all OECD countries. While Pensions at a Glance, one of OECD's flagship pension publications, routinely computes future replacement rates based on current legislation, it the first time such an exercise is undertaken from generations who retired about 15 years ago up to generations entering the labour market now.
Working Beyond Retirement Age: What Do Employers, Employees, and Independent Contractors Think?
26 juni 2019

The impact of raising the state retirement age is felt by employers, older employees and self-employed people in the Netherlands. The first two groups are mainly concerned.
Mortality by socio-economic class and its impact on the retirement schemes: How to render the systems fairer?
26 juni 2019

Many OECD countries have addressed the issue of increased longevity by mainly increasing the retirement age. However, this kind of reforms may lead to substantial transfers from those with shorter lifespans to those that will live longer than the average, as they do not necessarily take into account the socio-economic differences in mortality.
Retirement intentions of the Finnish self-employed – Do working conditions and pension adequacy make a difference?
26 juni 2019

In this report, we review the intentions to retire or continue working among the Finnish self-employed persons.
We also look at the reasons why they stop or continue working.
Working conditions in post‑retirement jobs: A European comparison
21 juni 2019

A relatively new phenomenon in the Netherlands, as well as in other Western countries, is the emergence of a workforce of retirees. Retirement no longer necessarily means an abrupt and permanent withdrawal from the job market.
Appreciated but complicated pension choices? Insights from the Swedish Premium Pension System
21 juni 2019

We analyze experiences of members in a DC pension scheme from Sweden, one of the first countries that launched choice-based funded individual pension accounts.
Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjonsmarkedet i Norge 2018
21 juni 2019

Det ble i 2018 innbetalt i overkant av 100 milliarder kroner til livsforsikrings- og pensjonsprodukter hos medlemmene i Finans Norge. Det er en økning på 7,5 prosent sammenlignet med 2017.
Hva skal til for at flere vil jobbe lenger?
29 mai 2019

Senter for seniorpolitikk har gått igjennom 16 ulike forskningsrapporter, analyser og utredninger som alle omhandler hva som skal til for at flere vil jobbe lenger. Konklusjonen er at det er flere faktorer i samspill som påvirker arbeids- og pensjoneringsadferden vår.
Bør nedre pensjonsalder økes til 63 år?
21 mai 2019

– Det er helt åpenbart at om vi hadde økt den nedre aldersgrensen for alderspensjon fra 62 til 63 år, ville mange flere jobbet lenger, sier Ole Christian Lien, seksjonssjef i NAV.
For hvert år norske arbeidstakere jobber lenger, vil det bli utført nesten 70 000 flere årsverk.
How Skill Requirements Affect the Recruitment Likelihood of Older Workers: The Indirect Role of Age Stereotypes
21 mai 2019

This article analyses the role of age stereotypes in the employability of older people. Unlike in extant studies, we shift emphasis from stereotypes to job requirements during recruitment.
Etter pensjons-reformen – politiske veivalg
16 mai 2019

Notat skrevet av Jon M. Hippe og Axel West Pedersen.
I dette notatet beskrives de viktigste endringene i det samlede pensjonssystemet og konfliktlinjene i norsk pensjonspolitikk. På denne bakgrunn drøftes sentrale utfordringer i pensjonspolitikken ved inngangen til 2020-tallet.
Which Norwegian Enterprises Offer the Poorest and the Best Pension Entitlements?
14 mai 2019

Artikkel av Tove Midtsundstad skrevet som en del av EVAPEN-prosjektet Interactions between national and labour market based pensions in Norway: pension outcomes and policy processes.
The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) remains the cornerstone of the Norwegian pension system. The introduction of a mandatory occupational pension in 2006, and the restructuring of the contractual pension (AFP) in 2008, have, however, significantly increased the importance of labor market based pensions.