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Do financial incentives stimulate partially disabled persons to return to work?
Do financial incentives stimulate partially disabled persons to return to work?

30 oktober 2020
  • The number of people receiving disability benefits in the Netherlands is increasing. The disability scheme for partially disabled workers (WGA) uses financial incentives to increase labour effort when workers exhaust their first stage benefit in the two-staged disability scheme. Do these financial incentives induce work resumption?

To what extent can partial retirement ensure retirement income adequacy?
To what extent can partial retirement ensure retirement income adequacy?

30 oktober 2020
  • Partial retirement before the state pension age allows people to reduce workload and maintain an adequate pension income at the same time. After a career of full-time work, those who retire part-time instead of full-time are much more likely to attain an income replacement of 70% during partial retirement, and subsequently a higher income replacement during full retirement.

NHOs pensjons- og forsikringskonferanse 2020
NHOs pensjons- og forsikringskonferanse 2020

27 september 2020
  • Pensjons- og forsikringskonferansen har blitt avholdt over 50 ganger, og den skal selvsagt avholdes i år også. For første gang er konferansen digital, så du kan delta uansett hvor du er.

    Vi kan vente oss en innholdsrik høst på pensjonsfronten, og vi vil også i år sørge for å lage et dagsaktuelt og relevant program. Pensjonskonto kommer snart, og et nytt utvalg skal evaluere pensjonsreformen. Vi vil belyse dette og andre spennende temaer som vi vet vil ha betydning for bedriftenes hverdag.

New methods in pension evaluation : Applications of trajectory analysis and dynamic microsimulation
New methods in pension evaluation : Applications of trajectory analysis and dynamic microsimulation

26 september 2020
  • This study gives an overview of two new methods in pension evaluation finite mixture modeling technique called trajectory analysis and dynamic microsimulation. Trajectory analysis and microsimulation can be used to study longitudinal datasets and various topics related to life courses. In this study, the applications of these methods focus on early career labor market attachment, insurance behavior of the self-employed and evaluation of the 2017 pension reform.

Differences in retirement preferences between the selfemployed and employees: Do job characteristics play an explanatory role?
Differences in retirement preferences between the selfemployed and employees: Do job characteristics play an explanatory role?

23 september 2020
  • Self-employed people on average prefer to continue working two years longer than their salaried counterparts. They are also more often uncertain about their future retirement age. Previous research suggests that this difference could partly be explained by the relatively limited pension savings of the self-employed.

Shades of labor: Motives of older adults to participate in productive activities
Shades of labor: Motives of older adults to participate in productive activities

23 september 2020
  • Productivity of the elderly involves more than just labor participation. Many 55- to 85-year-olds in the Netherlands undertake various paid and unpaid activities, that produce value to others. As age progresses, their motives for staying active also change.

Trygdeoppgjøret 2020
Trygdeoppgjøret 2020

04 september 2020
  • Regjeringen Solberg tviholder på en måte å regulere pensjonene på som i praksis frarøver alderspensjonistene for milliarder stikk i strid med Stortingets intensjon. Alderspensjonistene vil tape 1,1mrd. kroner i årets trygdeoppgjør.

Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjonsmarkedet i Norge 2019
Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjonsmarkedet i Norge 2019

23 juni 2020
  • Det ble i 2019 innbetalt i overkant av 109 milliarder kroner til livsforsikrings- og pensjonsprodukter hos medlemmene i Finans Norge. På samme tid i 2018 var innbetalt premie på 100 milliarder kroner og i 2017 på 93 milliarder kroner.

Om å ta ut folketrygd ved 67 år og fortsette i jobb–virkninger av samordningsreglene i offentlig tjenestepensjon
Om å ta ut folketrygd ved 67 år og fortsette i jobb–virkninger av samordningsreglene i offentlig tjenestepensjon

12 juni 2020
  • Offentlig ansatte som tar utfolketrygd fra 67 år, men fortsetter i jobb, får seg ofte en overraskelse når de går av med pensjon. Den livsvarige pensjonen blir for mange langt under 66 pst, kanskje under 50 pst. Selv for en gjennomsnittsinntekt kan den samlede pensjonen når folketrygden tas ut ved 67 år bli så mye som 1,5 mill. kroner mindre sammenliknet med en person som pensjoneres ved 67 år.

Employer Perceptions of Older Workers – Surveys from 2019 and 2006
Employer Perceptions of Older Workers – Surveys from 2019 and 2006

04 juni 2020
  • Many older Americans need to work longer in order to achieve a secure retirement. The question is whether employers will hire and retain them. This paper reports on a 2019 survey of employer perceptions of the productivity, costs, and net value of their older workers relative to their younger ones. This survey replicates a similar 2006 effort, so it also allows a comparison of employer perceptions over a period when technology has evolved and the older workforce has grown.

The pensions implications of COVID-19
The pensions implications of COVID-19

02 juni 2020
  • There is much uncertainty associated with the current situation, not only in terms of immediate financial impacts, but also how retirement incomes, both current and future, might be affected. The most immediate impact on pensions has been the significant falls and subsequent volatility in the stock market.

Follow the rating?
Follow the rating?

29 mai 2020
  • How disclosure affects retirement income product choices in a discrete choice experiment. Consumers in most Defined Contribution superannuation and pension plans annuitize less of their savings than is considered appropriate. As a result, retirees self-insure by holding on to and even building up assets.