Physically demanding jobs and early retirement in the Netherlands and Austria: a cross country comparison
22 januar 2020
Background: Given the rise in retirement age and the stricter eligibility criteria for early retirement I analyze the intention to retire early of people in physically demanding jobs in Austria and the Netherlands.
Changes in Employers’ ways of dealing with older workers, 2009–2017
22 januar 2020
Studies suggest that organizations across countries are more likely to send older staff members to early retirement than retain them, but there are signals that employers are increasingly showing support for longer working lives.
Thomas Piketty: Several universal retirement schemes are possible
21 januar 2020
Could we possibly have a reasoned debate about the several alternative retirement schemes? To judge from the government’s attitude, one might well doubt it.
The impact of migration on pension system sustainability: scenario calculations
21 januar 2020
In this report, the long-term effects of immigration and migration on demography, employment rates, pension expenditure and pension contributions are reviewed through scenario calculations. The main emphasis is on calculations on earnings-related pensions.
10 januar 2020
Den Norske Aktuarforening (DNA) inviterer til heldagsseminar med temaer som opptar aktuarene og forsikringsbransjen.
Seminaret avholdes: torsdag 13. februar 2020 kl. 09.00 – 17:00 på Thon Hotel Opera i Oslo