Artikler som begynner med I
I&PE: Denmark: Strength in size
06 juni 2016

The system of pension provision that Denmark has developed has won accolades for effectiveness. It is held up as an example to other countries with less functional pension structures.
I&PE: Solvency II requirements 'appropriate' for pension funds
14 april 2016

The capital requirements for insurance companies under the Solvency II regulatory regime are working fine and are appropriate for all defined benefit pension schemes, not just those incorporated as insurers, the head of Oslo Pensjonsforsikring (OPF) says.
Ikke alle ansatte får være med i en tjenestepensjonsordning
04 februar 2016

Arbeidsgiver har flere muligheter til å unnta ansatte fra bedriftens tjenestepensjonsordning. Det vil ha konsekvenser for pensjonsnivået, avdekker en rapport av Actecan.Alle ansatte i privat sektor skal være med i en tjenestepensjonsordning. Det er hovedregelen. Men velger arbeidsgiver å benytte seg av alle mulige unntak, vil det ha konsekvenser for pensjonsnivået til den enkelte.
Innskuddspensjon øker stadig
04 februar 2016

Premieinngangen for innskuddspensjon har vært økende de senere årene, mens utviklingen for privat ytelsespensjon har gått i motsatt retning, viser ny statistikk fra Finans Norge.
Investment Returns: Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans
14 januar 2016

Pension coverage in the private sector has shifted from defined benefit plans, where professionals make investment decisions, to 401(k) plans, where participants are responsible for their own investment strategy. The supposition is that individuals are not very good at investing their own money and face high fees. The question is whether this supposition is borne out by the facts. That is, are returns on defined contribution plans markedly lower than those on traditional defined benefit plans?
Investment Returns: Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans
16 desember 2015

Pension coverage in the private sector has shifted from defined benefit plans, where professionals make investment decisions, to 401(k) plans, where participants are responsible for their own investment strategy. The supposition is that individuals are not very good at investing their own money and face high fees. The question is whether this supposition is borne out by the facts. That is, are returns on defined contribution plans markedly lower than those on traditional defined benefit plans?
International Cause-specific Mortality Rates: New Insights from a Cointegration Analysis
11 juni 2015

This paper applies cointegration techniques, developed in econometrics to model long-run relationships, to cause-of-death data. We analyze the five main causes of death across five major countries, including USA, Japan, France, England & Wales and Australia.
Impacts of the Availability of Old-Age Benefits on Exits from the Labour Market
15 mai 2015

Given human longevity, fertility, health and social developments, workers become inactive relatively early throughout Europe. This partially stems from older workers being pushed out of the labour market and from personal motivation to prefer benefits to wages. We focus on this latter effect and analyse whether workers would have stayed active had they not been tempted by the availability of the old-age benefits.
Is it all about access? Perceived access to occupational pensions in Germany
17 mars 2015

This paper provides an empirical analysis of what determines access to occupational pensions as perceived by workers. We investigate this issue in Germany, where workers have the legal right to an occupational pension since 2001, but many might lack the incentive or the ability to gather and process the relevant information to make use of their right.
Infrastructure Investment in New Markets Challenges and Opportunities for Pension Funds
23 oktober 2014

This report reviews the existing evidence on pension fund investment in infrastructure in "new" markets, covering a number of non-OECD countries, such as Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa, as well as some OECD countries like Chile and Mexico.
Income Distribution among those of 65 Years and Older in Sweden
23 oktober 2014

The population of Sweden is ageing and the number of pensioners is increasing. This means that the incomes of older people and the income differences between older and younger people and among pensioners have become more important in terms of public debate and research.
I dag slippes fripolisene fri
01 september 2014

Fra 1. september 2014 får mange eiere av fripoliser mulighet til å velge hvordan alderspensjonsdelen av fripolisen kan investeres. Dette er et komplisert valg, som kan ha store konsekvenser for din fremtidige pensjon. Finansnæringen setter derfor nå strenge krav til de som skal gi deg råd om hva du bør gjøre.