Artikler som begynner med I
Individuals’ Survival Expectations and Actual Mortality
15 august 2014

Using a combination of Dutch survey and administrative data, we show that survival expectations do in fact predict actual mortality in models that control for income and education level.
It Pays to Set the Menu Mutual Fund Investment Options in 401(k) Plans
28 juli 2014

This paper investigates whether mutual fund families acting as trustees of 401(k) plans display favoritism toward their own funds.
Individual Post-Retirement Longevity Risk Management Under Systematic Mortality Risk
02 juli 2014

This paper analyzes an individual’s post retirement longevity risk management strategy allowing for systematic longevity risk, recent product innovations, and product loadings.
Innskuddspensjon like stor som ytelsespensjon
14 mars 2014-
Premieinnbetalingene til innskuddspensjon er nå nesten like store som innbetalingene til ytelsespensjon. Det viser ny statistikk fra Finans Norge. I løpet av 2014 vil innbetalingene til innskuddspensjon for første gang bli større enn til den tradisjonelle ytelsespensjonen.
Income from Work – The Fourth Pillar of Income Provision in Old Age
17 januar 2014-
Despite substantial improvements in life expectancy, the employment rate among men aged 55-59 in the United Kingdom have decreased from over 90 per cent to less than 70 per cent between 1968 and the end of the 1990s. The figures for men aged 60-64 and men aged 65-69 slumped from around 80 per cent to 50 per cent and 30 per cent to about 15 per cent respectively.
I pose og sekk? Hvorfor har så mange valgt å kombinere jobb og pensjon?
23 oktober 2013-
Pensjonsreformen har gjort det mulig for mange å ta ut alderspensjon før fylte 67 år. Beslutningen om uttak av pensjon er dermed i stor grad frikoblet fra valg av tidspunkt for å slutte i arbeid. Pensjonen kan dessuten fritt kombineres med arbeidsinntekt, uten at pensjonen blir avkortet.
Intermediarie's awareness, understanding and activity in relation to workplace pension reforms
13 september 2013-
The workplace pension reforms are set out in the Pensions Act 2008 and were introduced in October 2012 with large employers being subject to the duties first.
Intermediarie's awareness, understanding and activity in relation to workplace pension reforms
08 mai 2013-
The workplace pension reforms are set out in the Pensions Act 2008 and were introduced in October 2012 with large employers being subject to the duties first. Large employers will be subject to the duties between October 2012 and February 2014, medium employers from April 2014 to April 2015 and small/micro-employers from June 2015. Under the reforms, employers will be required to automatically enroll certain members of their workforce, these are called eligible jobholders (those aged between 22 and State Pension age, working in the UK and earning more than £8,105), into a workplace pension scheme, unless the worker is already in a qualifying scheme.
Implications of Full and Partial Retirement for Replacement Rates in a Defined Benefit System
10 april 2013-
In this paper we use the actual rules and formulas of an occupational pension fund, the state pension fund and the tax system in the Netherlands to calculate net replacement rates at each age from 60 to 70 in full and partial retirement scenarios. We then vary the parameters of the pension formulas to study the sensitivity of the replacement rates.
Investment Regulations and Defined Contribution Pensions
04 april 2013-
This paper assesses the impact of different quantitative approaches to regulate investment risk on the retirement income stemming from defined contribution (DC) pension plans. It looks at how such regulations affect the spectrum of investment policies available and, through this channel, how they affect the retirement income that an individual may expect from a DC pension plan.
Intra and Intergenerational Transfers The Case of the Netherlands for the First Pillar of Pensions
02 april 2013-
Since the creation of the Old Age Pension scheme (Algemene Ouderdomswet, henceforth; AOW) in 1957 some important changes in its regulation have taken place. The purpose of this study is to analyse the redistribution of income for different individuals in the AOW taking into account these changes in regulation and different groups of individuals according to their gender, civil status and income.
It Pays to Set the Menu Mutual Fund Investment Options in 401(k) Plans
13 mars 2013-
This paper investigates whether mutual fund families acting as trustees of 401(k) plans display favoritism toward their own funds. Using a hand-collected dataset on retirement investment options, we show that poorly-performing funds are less likely to be removed from and more likely to be added to a 401(k) menu if they are affiliated with the plan trustee.