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Retirement preparation of self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 crisis
Retirement preparation of self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 crisis

14 mars 2022
  • Many, but not all, self-employed people have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. However, this crisis not only affects the current financial position of these individuals but may also affect their ability to prepare for an uncertain future.

Role of labor demand in the labor market effects of a pension reform
Role of labor demand in the labor market effects of a pension reform

14 mars 2022
  • This paper shows that labor demand plays an important role in the labor market reactions to a pension reform in Germany. Employers with a high share of older worker inflow compared with their younger worker inflow, employers in sectors with few investments in research and development, and employers in sectors with a high share of collective bargaining agreements allow their employees to stay employed longer after the reform.

Pensjonskassekonferansen 2022
Pensjonskassekonferansen 2022

10 mars 2022
  • 23. og 24. mai 2022

    Konferansen er for ansatte i pensjonskassene, styremedlemmer og andre som jobber med pensjonskasser. Konferansen er også relevant for offentlige myndigheter, ulike leverandører og organisasjoner.