Artikler som begynner med E
European Union Pension Funds and Home Bias
15 september 2014

This thesis examines whether European Union pension funds overweigh domestic assets in their portfolio and aims to determine why they have a so called home bias. Up to 79% of the 110 respondents of a secondary survey are shown to be biased towards domestic and European assets when compared to the capital asset pricing model.
Expenditure Patterns of Older Americans, 2001‒2009
08 september 2014

According to economic theory, “well-being” is measured better by consumption rather than by income. Furthermore, pre- and postretirement spending requirements are very different: Before retirement, people pay FICA taxes, incur work-related expenses, and set money aside for retirement.
Employment-Based Retirement Plan Participation
12 august 2014

The financing of retirement has become a vital topic in the United States as more and more Baby Boomers rapidly approach the traditional retirement age of 65. This group, with birth years 1946–1964 (ages 49-67), currently totals just over 75 million people and will greatly change the demographics of the nation as it continues to age.
Economic Rationality, Risk Presentation, and Retirement Portfolio Choice
24 juli 2014

This research studies the propensity of individuals to violate implications of expected utility maximization in allocating retirement savings within a compulsory defined contribution retirement plan. The paper develops the implications and describes the construction and administration of a discrete choice experiment to almost 1200 members of Australia`s mandatory retirement savings scheme.
Employment, late-life work, retirement, and well-being in Europe and the United States
24 juni 2014

Flexible work arrangements and retirement options provide one solution for the challenges of unemployment and under employment, aging populations, and unsustainable public pension systems in welfare states around the world.
Espen Rye Ellingsen
fredag, 13 juni 2014- Private ytelsesordninger kan bli fripoliser. Hvorfor og hvor raskt?
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Eldre jobber mer enn før
26 mai 2014

Yrkesaktiviteten etter fylte 50 år var i 2013 på det høyeste nivået siden 2001. Målet i IA-avtalen er likevel bare nådd i fem fylker.
Eystein Gjelsvik
fredag, 16 mai 2014- Kommentar Gjelsvik
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Evaluering av pensjonsreformen (EVAPEN)
13 mai 2014-
Styringsgruppen bevilget 28 millioner kroner til tre nye forskerprosjekter i forbindelse med Evaluering av pensjonsreformen (EVAPEN).
Enighet om å utrede pensjon
07 april 2014-
LO-leder Gerd Kristiansen er glad for at partene kom fram til et anbefalt forslag i meklingen, og gratulerer Fellesforbundet med et godt resultat.
Easy As Pie: How retirement savers use prescribed investment disclosures
13 mars 2014-
We report the results of two laboratory experiments that study how university student and staff participants chose retirement savings investment options using ‘user friendly’ information prescribed by regulators.
Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2013
10 mars 2014-
Through more than five years of economic crisis, the European Social Model has been challenged and re-defined in many ways.