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Artikler som begynner med E

Endret bruk av AFP
Endret bruk av AFP

21 oktober 2016
  • Etter omleggingen av AFP-ordningen i privat sektor, har antall mottakere økt betydelig, samtidig som langt færre slutter i arbeid når de starter uttak av AFP.

Earnings after DI: evidence from full medical continuing disability reviews
Earnings after DI: evidence from full medical continuing disability reviews

29 august 2016
  • Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries undergo periodic medical reviews to determine if they continue to be eligible for disability benefits. We examine how these reviews affect beneficiary well-being by using administrative data to track the earnings of beneficiaries for up to 5 years after their reviews. We estimate that a sizeable percentage of beneficiaries would work if their benefits were ceased in a medical review. However, many appear to be unable to maintain employment: only one in three would have earnings over the full follow-up period. Further, far fewer would reach any of several measures of earnings sufficiency.

EISS Conference - Social Security and the changing Concept of Work - påmeldingsfrist 1.september
EISS Conference - Social Security and the changing Concept of Work - påmeldingsfrist 1.september

27 juni 2016
  • The annual EISS Conference in 2016 will be held in Oslo on Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23, and the topic for the 2016 Conference is "Social Security and the changing Concept of Work". The Conference fee is €50 for EISS Members, €75 for non-members. PhD-students should not pay the fee.

Effects of Changes in Pensions on the Age of First Benefit Receipt: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Repatriated Ethnic Germans
Effects of Changes in Pensions on the Age of First Benefit Receipt: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Repatriated Ethnic Germans

23 mai 2016
  • To estimate the effects of large cuts in pensions on the age of first benefit receipt, we exploit two natural experiments in which such cuts affect a group of repatriated ethnic German workers. The pensions were cut by about 12%, yet, according to our regression discontinuity estimates based on administrative pension data, there was no significant delay in the age of first pension receipt.

Evalueringen av Pensjonsreformen: Nordisk konferanse på pensjonsområdet  2. - 3. mai 2016 i Oslo
Evalueringen av Pensjonsreformen: Nordisk konferanse på pensjonsområdet 2. - 3. mai 2016 i Oslo

16 mars 2016
  • Evaluering av pensjonsreformen arrangerer nordisk konferanse på pensjonsområdet. Formålet med konferansen er formidling av forskning og dialog rundt sentrale tema på pensjonsfeltet.

Effectiveness of Early Retirement Disincentives - Individual Welfare, Distributional and Fiscal Implications
Effectiveness of Early Retirement Disincentives - Individual Welfare, Distributional and Fiscal Implications

11 januar 2016
  • In aging societies, information on how to reform a pension system is essential to policy makers. This study scrutinizes the introduction of early retirement disincentives by a major pension reform in Germany.

Early Retirement and Financial Incentives: Differences Between High and Low Wage Earners
Early Retirement and Financial Incentives: Differences Between High and Low Wage Earners

24 november 2015
  • This paper investigates the impact of financial incentives on early retirement behaviour for high and low wage earners. Using a stylized life-cycle model, we derive hypotheses on the behaviour of the two types.

Era of the Individual: 2015 Mercer Melbourne Global Pension Index
Era of the Individual: 2015 Mercer Melbourne Global Pension Index

17 november 2015
  • The Melbourne Mercer Global Pension index, now in its seventh year, provides a comparison of the many and varied systems around the world. This year the index also analyses trends in sustainability indicators over recent years.

Erik Hernæs

fredag, 16 oktober 2015

Evaluering av pensjonsreformen - presentasjoner fra formidlingsseminar 5.oktober
Evaluering av pensjonsreformen - presentasjoner fra formidlingsseminar 5.oktober

09 oktober 2015
  • Forskningsrådet holdt formidlingsseminar for evalueringen av pensjonsreformen (EVA PEN) 5.oktober. 

Erik Råd Herlofsen

fredag, 28 august 2015
  • Aldersgrenser, tjenestepensjon og arbeidsgivers mulige tilpasninger
  • Last ned foredrag

Estimation of a Structural Labour Supply Model for Belgium Application to the Earnings Test for Pension Recipients
Estimation of a Structural Labour Supply Model for Belgium Application to the Earnings Test for Pension Recipients

29 mai 2015
  • In several OECD countries pension benefits are taxed away if retirees continue working and receive earnings that cross a threshold. Recently governments started to increase these earnings thresholds for working pensioners.