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Artikler som begynner med E

Evaluating Risk Sharing in Private Pension Plans

28 mai 2013
  • The principal purpose of this article is to analyse the trade-off between the (un)certainty in contributions on the one hand and benefits on the other that is embedded in different pension arrangements.

Early and phased retirement in European companies

20 mai 2013
  • In order to comply with the resolutions of the European Council of 2001, the aims of which include increasing the employment rate among people aged 55–64 years and the average retirement age, EU countries are currently discussing strategies designed to meet these objectives. As the European Commission’s report, Employment in Europe 2006, shows, while nearly all Member States increased employment rates for older workers between 2000 and 2005, there remains a significant shortfall in relation to the 50% target at EU level. Since the timing and the nature of the transition into retirement are influenced by the legal framework within the different countries, early and phased retirement schemes play an important role in this context.

Essays on Subjective Well-Being and Retirement Behavior

02 mai 2013
  • This thesis consists of two chapters. In the first chapter, we are primarily interested in the effect of expectations on psychological well-being of Americans over age 50 and their spouses. In order to circumvent mood effects on both independent and dependent variables, we devise an exogenous proxy for life expectancy of parents. Using the life table survival probabilities, we examine the effect of expectations on psychological well-being and conclude whether psychological well-being is a forward- looking phenomenon in this context.

Extended Unemployment Benefits and Early Retirement: Program Complementarity and Program Substitution

15 april 2013
  • This paper explores how extended unemployment insurance (UI) benefits targeted to older workers affect early retirement and social welfare. The trade-off of optimal UI between consumption smoothing and moral hazard requires accounting for the entire early retirement system, which often includes extended UI and relaxed access to disability insurance (DI).

Evaluating the Design of Private Pension Plans

10 april 2013
  • The growth of private pensions and their expanding role in retirement income systems calls for a better understanding and management of the risks that they are exposed to. Investment risk features most prominently amongst them, as evidenced by the average decline of 20 percent in OECD private pension assets between January and October 2008.

Early Retirement and Financial Incentives Differences Between High and Low Wage Earners

03 april 2013
  • This paper investigates the impact of financial incentives on early retirement behaviour for high and low wage earners. Using a stylized life-cycle model, we derive hypotheses on the behaviour of the two types. We use administrative data and employ two identification strategies to test the predictions.

Expectations and experience of retirement in Defined Contribution pensions: a study of older people in England

03 januar 2013
  • Private pensions play an important role in the provision of income in retirement in the UK, although their role has evolved over time. While defined benefit (DB) pensions were prevalent in earlier decades, the importance of defined contribution pensions has been growing and will continue to increase in future years, especially for later cohorts. In particular, the introduction of auto-enrolment from 2012 is expected to increase pension coverage and the amount of pension wealth individuals accumulate before retirement, much of which is likely to be in DC schemes.

Expectations and experience of retirement in Defined Contribution pensions: a study of older people in England

11 desember 2012
  • This report, funded by the National Association of Pension Funds and the Economic and Social Research Council, examines a range of quantitative evidence to shed light on how current older cohorts of defined contribution (DC) pension fund holders are approaching and dealing with retirement and annuitisation.

Employee Mobility and Employer-Provided Retirement Plans

13 november 2012
  • This paper provides new insights into the effect of the widespread transition from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) pension plans on employee mobility.

Evaluating Risk Sharing in Private Pension Plans

05 november 2012
  • The principal purpose of this article is to analyse the trade-off between the (un)certainty in contributions on the one hand and benefits on the other that is embedded in different pension arrangements.

Employer's Pension Provision Survey 2011

26 oktober 2012
  • The main aim of the report is to describe the extent and nature of pension provision among private sector employers in Britain in 2011. Comparisons are also made with key findings from the 2009 survey and, in some cases, the 2007 survey.

Extending working life Behaviour change interventions

24 oktober 2012
  • While a positive feature of the post-war period, increasing longevity brings new challenges, not least with respect to provision for old age. In particular, it impacts on the ratio of working to non-working life. Beyond public policy concerns over the long-term fiscal sustainability of current retirement norms (State Pension age (SPA) and earlier), recent years have witnessed interest from some employers, conscious of skills shortages and attracted to flexible working arrangements, as well as calls from the older age organised interest groups for enhanced access to paid employment in later life.