Artikler som begynner med T
Trygdeoppgjøret 2014
23 mai 2014

Regulering av grunnbeløpet og pensjonene fra 1.mai 2014. Regjeringen og organisasjonene er enige om tallgrunnlaget for reguleringen av grunnbeløpet og pensjonene fra 1. mai 2014.
The U.K.ís Ambitious New Retirement Savings Initiative
18 mars 2014-
The United Kingdom is rolling out a low-cost retirement system for workers who lack pension coverage.
The Effect of Solvency Regulations and Accounting Standards on Long-Term Investing
10 mars 2014-
This report reviews recent as well as planned changes to accounting and solvency regulations affecting insurers and pension funds and how they may impact long-term investing by these institutions.
Trade-Offs in Means Tested Pension Design
07 mars 2014-
Inclusion of means testing into age pension programs allows governments to better direct benefits to those most in need and to control funding costs by providing flexibility to control the participation rate (extensive margin) and the benefit level (intensive margin).
The Design of Pension Schemes
21 februar 2014-
This paper explores possible alternatives for the current Dutch first pillar pension scheme (AOW). It presents the welfare, labour market, saving and unintended bequest effects of a shift from a Beveridge towards a Bismarck system in which the pension rights depend on the labour market history.
The pension system in Finland: Adequacy, sustainability and system design
13 februar 2014-
Finland has a pension system that, in a unique way, combines a compulsory legislative basis, similar benefits for all, partial funding and private organization of the pension provision.
The pension system in Finland: Institutional structure and governance
12 februar 2014-
Finland’s retirement income system is both comprehensive and robust. Its design is consensus-driven, covers the entire workforce, provides adequate pensions, facilitates worker mobility, and is institutionally robust.
The Effect of Wealth and Earned Income on the Decision to Retire: A Dynamic Probit Examination of Retirement
11 februar 2014-
This paper estimates the propensity to retire and the persistence of remaining retired once the decision to retire has been made in the US labour market, using a dynamic panel probit model.
The distribution of pension wealth in Finland
03 februar 2014-
This paper studies the effect of pensions on the distribution of wealth in Finland. We use a combination of survey and register data, including register information on earned pension rights.
Tjenestepensjonsmarkedet 2001–2012
10 desember 2013-
Dette notatet gir en oversikt over utviklingen i det private tjenestepensjonsmarkedet i Norge i perioden 2002 – 2012.
Tiltak mot sykefravær - hjelper det?
27 november 2013-
Tove Midtsundstad og Roy A. Nielsen har undersøkt om om forebyggende tiltak og tilrettelegging av arbeid på bedriftsnivå påvirker sykefraværet blant arbeidstakere som er 50 år og eldre. Svaret er at effekten av tiltakene er avhengig av hvilken sektor og bransje arbeidstakerne jobber i.
The Role of Pension Funds in Financing Green Growth Initiatives
04 oktober 2013-
It is estimated that transitioning to a low-carbon, and climate resilient economy, and more broadly greening growth over the next 20 years to 2030 will require significant investment and consequently private sources of capital on a much larger scale than previously. With their USD 28 trillion in assets, pension funds - along with other institutional investors - potentially have an important role to play in financing such green growth initiatives.