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Which States Have the Highest Retirement Plan Participation?
Which States Have the Highest Retirement Plan Participation?

03 september 2014
  • It’s often said that in real estate, it’s all about “location, location, location.” But physical location also appears to have an impact on participation in an employment-based retirement plan, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

I dag slippes fripolisene fri
I dag slippes fripolisene fri

01 september 2014
  • Fra 1. september 2014 får mange eiere av fripoliser mulighet til å velge hvordan alderspensjonsdelen av fripolisen kan investeres. Dette er et komplisert valg, som kan ha store konsekvenser for din fremtidige pensjon. Finansnæringen setter derfor nå strenge krav til de som skal gi deg råd om hva du bør gjøre.

The Causal Effect of Retirement on Mortality
The Causal Effect of Retirement on Mortality

01 september 2014
  • This paper identifies and estimates the impact of early retirement on the probability to die within five years, using administrative micro panel data covering the entire population of the Netherlands.

Ny Fafo-rapport: Tidligpensjonering i kommunal sektor
Ny Fafo-rapport: Tidligpensjonering i kommunal sektor

29 august 2014
  • Denne rapporten beskriver endringer i forventet pensjoneringsalder, -rater og bruk av tidligpensjonsordninger i KS' tariffområde. Roy A. Nielsen har skrevet rapporten, som gir en oversikt over tidligpensjoneringen blant ansatte i alderen 50–67 år i perioden 2002–2012. Analysene bygger på registerdatamateriale fra KLP (Kommunal Landspensjonskasse) og SPK (Statens Pensjonskasse).

Reasons for a Change in Retirement Age
Reasons for a Change in Retirement Age

29 august 2014
  • Workers who report a change in their expected retirement age in 2014 most often cite the poor economy (25 percent), according to a new report from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Stadig flere over på innskuddspensjon i privat sektor
Stadig flere over på innskuddspensjon i privat sektor

28 august 2014
  • Brutto forfalt premie for innskuddspensjon (LOI) øker stadig og utgjør nå 43 prosent av brutto forfalt premie for kollektiv pensjon i privat sektor. Premien for kommunal kollektiv pensjon utgjør 52 prosent av samlet premie for alle kollektive pensjonsordninger blant Finans Norges medlemmer.  

Capping Small Business Retirement Savings
Capping Small Business Retirement Savings

27 august 2014
  • Changes in tax policies can trigger responses from employers, but a proposed cap on retirement savings could have a particularly severe impact on small businesses, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

Omverdensanalyse 2014 - Utvikling, trender og konsekvenser frem til 2025
Omverdensanalyse 2014 - Utvikling, trender og konsekvenser frem til 2025

26 august 2014
  • Samfunnet er i endring og NAV må endre seg i takt med dette. Omverdensanalysen omhandler hvordan endringer i våre omgivelser vil kunne påvirke NAV sine veivalg fremover i et tiårs perspektiv.

Pension Plan Participation
Pension Plan Participation

25 august 2014
  • Significant changes have occurred in the kind of employment-based retirement plan in which private-sector workers participate.

Search and Retirement under Asymmetric Information
Search and Retirement under Asymmetric Information

22 august 2014
  • We consider a labor market where the competitive search equilibrium is inefficient due to asymmetrical information. At the time when firms commit to specific hiring costs, workers hold private information on their intention of entering into retirement before the termination of the contract. When retirement is an event which occurs exogenously and information is complete, the long term employment relationship is preferred by the risk adverse workers.

Price Efficiency in the Dutch Annuity Market
Price Efficiency in the Dutch Annuity Market

22 august 2014
  • Annuity markets around the world are playing a growing role in pension provision as defined contribution personal pension systems are introduced and mature.

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund’s Potential for Capturing Illiquidity Premiums
The Norwegian Government Pension Fund’s Potential for Capturing Illiquidity Premiums

20 august 2014
  • The Norwegian ministry of finance has asked us to investigate the possibilities for the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) to profit from liquidity premiums in illiquid investments. Can a large investor with a long horizon, limited short term liquidity needs and high risk bearing capacity, such as the GPFG, profit from these liquidity premiums?