Effects of Changes in Pensions on the Age of First Benefit Receipt: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Repatriated Ethnic Germans
09 februar 2015
To estimate the effects of large cuts in pensions on the age of first benefit receipt, we exploit two natural experiments in which such cuts affect a group of repatriated ethnic German workers.
Nye regler for uførepensjon i privat sektor
04 februar 2015
Regjeringen foreslår at de nye uførepensjonene ikke skal kreve noen spesiell tjenestetid og nye regler for hvordan ytelsen skal beregnes.
Retaining older workers: The effect of phased retirement on delaying early retirement
03 februar 2015
Phased retirement involves reducing working time in the final years before retirement. The aim of phased retirement is to extend working careers and retain older workers who would otherwise opt for full early retirement. This article investigates the effect of offering phased retirement on early-retirement behaviour in Norway.
Macroeconomic Determinants of Retirement Timing
02 februar 2015
We analyze lifetime earnings histories of white males during 1960-2010 and categorize the labor force status of every worker as either working full-time, partially retired or fully retired.
Firms and Early Retirement: Offers That One Does Not Refuse
30 januar 2015
According to the Hutchens (1999) model, early retirement is not explained as a result of maximizing expected individual utility but rather as a demand-side phenomenon arising from a firm’s profit-maximizing behaviour.
Using Stated Preferences Data to Analyze Preferences for Full and Partial Retirement
29 januar 2015
Structural models explaining retirement decisions of individuals or households in an intertemporal setting are typically hard to estimate using data on actual retirement decisions, since choice sets are for a large part unobserved by the researcher. This paper describes an experiment in which both perceived retirement opportunities and preferences for retirement are measured.
Pension Adequacy in the European Union 2010-2050
27 januar 2015
This report, jointly prepared by the European Commission and the Social Protection Committee (SPC), focuses on the adequacy dimension of pensions. It has been developed as a complement to the Ageing Report by the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) and considers pension policy objectives in the context of accelerating population ageing and the current economic crisis.
How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study
22 januar 2015
Empirical studies have consistently shown the negative impact of involuntary retirement on mental well-being. However, few studies have thus far investigated the degree to which post-retirement work affects late-life outcomes.
Pensjonsforum planlegger en rekke seminarer også i dette halvåret
21 januar 2015
Vi starter med et seminar om uførhet i Pensjonsforum 13.februar hvor vi gjennomgår og diskutere det nye regelverket i både offentlig og privat sektor og se på utviklingen i uførepensjon og sammenhengen blant annet med pensjonsreformen. Hold av datoen – invitasjon kommer.
Stup i «privat» førtidspensjonering
21 januar 2015
Ansatte i privat sektor benytter i mindre grad enn før AFP ved første korsvei. Andelen som førtidspensjonerer seg ved fylte 62 år er nå nesten like lav som i kommunal sektor.
Pensjonsrelaterte aldersgrenser: Fordeler og ulemper ved å heve dem
21 januar 2015
Som følge av at levealderen stadig øker har spørsmålet om å heve aldergrensene i pensjonssystemet blitt en aktuell problemstilling i mange land, inkludert våre nordiske naboland.
How Does Aging Affect Financial Decision Making?
20 januar 2015
With the shift from traditional pensions to 401(k) plans, the welfare of retirees depends increasingly on their ability to make sound financial decisions.Using a dataset that follows a group of older individuals in the Chicago area, the analysis examines how aging affects financial decision making.