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Negotia – fersk undersøkelse: Fortsatt mangel på pensjonskunnskap
Negotia – fersk undersøkelse: Fortsatt mangel på pensjonskunnskap

15 april 2015
  • Til tross for mye debatt om pensjon de siste årene, avslører en fersk undersøkelse utført av YS-forbundet Negotia, stor mangel på kunnskap om dette. – Det er bekymringsfullt at mange arbeidstakere fortsatt har store kunnskapshull om pensjon. Dette handler om å kjenne til hva man skal leve av når man trer ut av arbeidslivet, påpeker Arnfinn Korsmo, leder i YS-forbundet Negotia.

Transition to Retirement – ‘Supporting DC members with defaults and choices up to, into, and through retirement’
Transition to Retirement – ‘Supporting DC members with defaults and choices up to, into, and through retirement’

10 april 2015
  • The Pensions Policy Institute has published, Supporting DC members with defaults and choices up to, into, and through retirement’,  is the first stage in a two stage research project that draws heavily on insights from new qualitative research with DC savers approaching retirement conducted by Ignition House, a research consultancy specialising in financial services.

The Impact of Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement on Mental Health: Evidence from Older Irish Adults
The Impact of Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement on Mental Health: Evidence from Older Irish Adults

09 april 2015
  • The few studies that have attempted to identify the causal effects of retirement on mental health and well-being have provided conflicting evidence. Hence, whether retirement affects mental health positively or negatively is still unclear.

Retirement Coverage Expanded: UK vs US
Retirement Coverage Expanded: UK vs US

09 april 2015
  • President Obama signed a January memo officially launching his MyRA program to encourage saving by low-income and other Americans who lack a retirement plan through their employers.

Stortinget behandler nye regler for uførepensjon i privat sektor
Stortinget behandler nye regler for uførepensjon i privat sektor

08 april 2015
  • Regjeringen foreslår at de nye uførepensjonene ikke skal kreve noen spesiell tjenestetid og nye regler for hvordan ytelsen skal beregnes. Uførepensjon er en økonomisk støtte for personer som har mistet hele eller deler av arbeidsevnen som følge av skade eller sykdom. Uførepensjon er i utgangspunktet regulert på ulikt vis i offentlig og privat sektor.

Unios notatserie nr. 2/2015: Realinntektsnedgang for alderspensjonister og minstepensjonister
Unios notatserie nr. 2/2015: Realinntektsnedgang for alderspensjonister og minstepensjonister

07 april 2015
  • Alderspensjonister og minstepensjonister kan få en betydelig nedgang i realinntekten i år. Pensjonene skal reguleres svakere enn lønnsveksten. I tillegg skal det trekkes fra for «for høy» regulering i 2014. Samlet kan dette innebære nedgang i realinntekten for alderspensjonistene på ¾ prosent i år og ½ prosent for minstepensjonistene. Pensjonistene murrer og arbeidsminister Robert Eriksson fra Fremskrittssparteiet har fått en varm potet i fanget.

A Value Based Cohort Index for Longevity Risk Management
A Value Based Cohort Index for Longevity Risk Management

27 mars 2015
  • Existing longevity indices commonly use age-based mortality rates or period life expectancy. We propose an alternative cohort-based value index for insurers and pension funds to manage longevity risk. This index is an expected present value of a longevity linked cash flow valued using a specied cohort mortality model and a commonly used interest rate model.

What Do Subjective Assessments of Financial Well-Being Reflect?
What Do Subjective Assessments of Financial Well-Being Reflect?

25 mars 2015
  • Subjective financial assessments are used by social scientists as a measure of financial well-being and by households as the basis for action. Financial well-being, however, increasingly requires workers to build-up savings to meet hard-to-see future needs, specifically retirement, their children’s education, and paying off student loans.

Living longer and prospering? Designing an adequate, sustainable and equitable UK state pension system
Living longer and prospering? Designing an adequate, sustainable and equitable UK state pension system

24 mars 2015
  • The population of the United Kingdom is ageing. Steep declines in mortality in middle and late life mean we have a much better chance of living to claim a state pension, and then to receive it for much longer than has ever previously been the case.

Joint Retirement of Couples: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Joint Retirement of Couples: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

23 mars 2015
  • We estimate and explain the impact of early retirement of husbands on their wives’ probability to retire within one year, using administrative micro panel data that cover the whole Dutch population.

- Kvinner bør velge hybrid fremfor innskuddspensjon
- Kvinner bør velge hybrid fremfor innskuddspensjon

Rapport fra Akademikerne 20 mars 2015
  • For å sikre kvinner en livsvarig pensjonsutbetaling på linje med menn ved overgang fra en ytelsesordning bør det velges en hybrid pensjonsordning. Dette er et av resultatene som fremgår i en ny rapport Actecan har laget på oppdrag fra Akademikerne, «Sammenligning av innskuddspensjon og pensjon etter lov om tjenestepensjon (hybrid)».

Is it all about access? Perceived access to occupational pensions in Germany
Is it all about access? Perceived access to occupational pensions in Germany

17 mars 2015
  • This paper provides an empirical analysis of what determines access to occupational pensions as perceived by workers. We investigate this issue in Germany, where workers have the legal right to an occupational pension since 2001, but many might lack the incentive or the ability to gather and process the relevant information to make use of their right.