Artikler som begynner med A
A Note on the Treatment of Assets in the Australian Age Pension Means Test
15 februar 2016

This note looks at the treatment of wealth in the income and assets tests that comprise the Age Pension means test. We demonstrate how the tests interact, the extent to which different assets are treated equally and whether the income and assets tests interact effectively across the asset distribution.
Axel West Pedersen
fredag, 18 desember 2015- Kommentar til rapport om offentlig tjenestepensjon
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Attitudes to Intergenerational Equity: Baseline Findings from the Attitudes to Ageing in Australia (AAA) Study
14 desember 2015

This paper reports preliminary findings from the 2009-10 baseline data from the Attitudes to Ageing in Australia (AAA) survey. The questions were designed and the data then collected while Australia was adjusting to the impacts of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) during the Rudd government. At that time there was relatively less government attention to restricting public expenditure related to ageing, and it was before the appointment of the Age Discrimination Commissioner in the Australian Human Rights Commission. This working paper reports findings related to intergenerational equity with comparisons between age, gender, and socio-economic groups.
Anne Inga Hilsen og Jon M. Hippe
fredag, 16 oktober 2015- Tilpasninger til ny aldersgrenser
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Andreas Moen
fredag, 28 august 2015- Nye utfordringer og arbeidstakernes utfordringer
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A Multivariate Model of Strategic Asset Allocation with Longevity Risk
07 august 2015

Generalized unexpected raise in life expectancy is a source of aggregate risk. Longevity‐linked securities are a natural instrument to reallocate these risks by making them tradable in the financial market.
Age Pensioner Profiles: A Longitudinal Study of Income, Assets and Decumulation
11 juni 2015

Using eight years of data drawn from the records of Australia's Centrelink agency, we describe the income, asset and decumulation patterns of over 10,000 age pensioners. Analysis of this longitudinal data set shows that age pensioners, on average, preserve both financial and residential wealth, consuming conservatively and, ultimately, passing on substantial bequests.
A Value-Based Approach to Pension Redesign in the US State Plans
09 juni 2015

This paper explores the financial sustainibility of a typical U.S. state defined-benefit pension fund under the continuation of current policies and under alternative policies, such as alternative contribution, indexation and investment allocation policies
Age Anchors and the Individual Retirement Age An Experimental Study
20 mai 2015

This study examines the sensitivity of the retirement age decision to standard retirement ages in pension overviews (age anchors) with a self‐constructed survey. Individuals retire later when they are confronted with a higher age anchor.
Accounting and Actuarial Smoothing of Retirement Payouts in Participating Life Annuities
08 mai 2015

Life insurers use accounting and actuarial techniques to smooth reporting of firm assets and liabilities, seeking to transfer surpluses in good years to cover benefit payouts in bad years. Yet these techniques been criticized as they make it difficult to assess insurers’ true financial status.
A Value Based Cohort Index for Longevity Risk Management
27 mars 2015

Existing longevity indices commonly use age-based mortality rates or period life expectancy. We propose an alternative cohort-based value index for insurers and pension funds to manage longevity risk. This index is an expected present value of a longevity linked cash flow valued using a specied cohort mortality model and a commonly used interest rate model.
Aldersgrensene splitter arbeidslivet
06 mars 2015

Regjeringens forslag om å heve aldersgrensen i Arbeidsmiljøloven fra dagens 70 år til 72 år har utløst debatt i norsk arbeidsliv og blant politikerne om yrkesdeltakelsen blant nordmenn over 60 år. Meningene er svært delte mellom organisasjonene.