Artikler som begynner med A
Axel West Pedersen
fredag, 15 desember 2017- Hvor går Ny AFP?
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Anders Kvam
søndag, 05 november 2017- Individuell pensjonssparing
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Alle skal med? En analyse av frafall i AFP-ordningen
04 mai 2017

Artikkel i Søkelys på arbeidslivet skrevet av Jon M. Hippe, Pål Lillevold og Hans Gunnar Vøien
Privat AFP bygger på tariffavtale og omfatter 800 000 arbeidstakere. En tariffdekning på 50 prosent sammen med særlige kvalifiseringsregler bidrar til inn- og utgang av ordningen. Det gir gevinster og tap av alderspensjon. Hver fjerde person som var med ni år før de var 62 år, faller ut av AFP. Uførhet forklarer en tredjedel av frafallet. Etter uførhet er det fortsatt 15–20 prosent som ikke kvalifiserer. 60 prosent skyldes at personer slutter i en AFP-bedrift, mens 40 prosent skyldes at bedriften ikke lenger omfattes av AFP. Kvinner og lavlønte har større sannsynlighet for frafall enn menn og høytlønte. Tettes hullene i AFP, vil årlige kostnader øke med 25 prosent. Frafallet reiser tvil om AFP-ordningens rolle i det samlede pensjonssystemet.
Adjustment to longer working lives among older workers in the Netherlands
16 mars 2017

Concerns regarding the long term sustainability of the welfare state have urged national governments to reform their pension systems. The pace in which reforms have been implemented in the Netherlands took many employees by surprise. Cohorts born in 1950 and later had to adjust their perspectives on retirement several times in succession. This paper addressed the question how working adults age 60+ adjust to the changing prospects of a longer working life.
Analyse av seniorers mobilitet på arbeidsmarkedet
02 januar 2017

Rapporten presenterer Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse og Fafo sin analyse av mobilitet blant seniorer. Hovedbildet er at mobiliteten (dvs. skifte mellom arbeidsgiver) faller med stigende alder og at seniormobiliteten har falt de senere år. Vi finner imidlertid ikke grunnlag for å hevde at mobilitetsnivået er for lavt er eller at det er nødvendig med særskilte tiltak. Mange faktorer har betydning for mobilitetsnivået.
Are ‘Voluntary’ Self-Employed Better Prepared for Retirement than ‘Forced’ Self-Employed?
26 august 2016

When it comes to financial preparation for retirement, self-employed workers in many European countries face unique challenges not encountered by traditional wage earners. This is particularly true for self-employed workers who do not supervise subordinate personnel. This is the case because many self-employed individuals in nations such as the Netherlands and Germany do not have large-scale access to employer-sponsored pensions, which are a mainstay of pension support for most workers in those two countries.
Are Early Claimers Making a Mistake?
10 august 2016

Using Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data and Latent Class Analysis for three cohorts (those born in 1931-1936, 1937-1941, and 1942-1947), this paper explores: 1) who claims Social Security benefits at age 62; 2) what percentage of households claiming at 62 are unprepared for retirement; and 3) whether the unprepared early claimers were pushed into claiming through job shocks and/or poor health or simply decided to take benefits early.
Aging, Retirement and Pay-As-You-Go Pensions
15 juni 2016

In this paper we consider the effects of population aging on a pay-as-you-go financed defined contributions pension scheme. We show that when retirement decisions are endogenous, aging increases the retirement age and the steady state level of capital. The effect on pension payouts is in general ambiguous, except for the solution of full retirement, when this effect is unambiguously negative.
Are Japanese Men of Pensionable Age Underemployed or Overemployed?
20 mai 2016

We investigate how Japanese men aged 60-74 adjust their workforce attachment after beginning to receive a public pension. Men who were employees at age 54 gradually move to part-time work or retire after beginning to receive pension benefits; those who continue working are more likely to be underemployed. Men self-employed at age 54, however, neither retire nor reduce their working hours even after beginning to receive pension benefits; these men are more likely to be overemployed.
Absenteeism, childcare and the effectiveness of pension reforms
30 mars 2016

Both economic and epidemiological literature have shown that perceived high strain at work and lack of social infrastructures are good predictors of sick leave. The latter is particularly relevant in countries where facilities for children and care services are scarce and women are asked to fill the gap. The Italian 2011 pension reform significantly restricted age and seniority requirements for retirement, especially for women in private employment.
Aging, Taxes and Pensions in Switzerland
15 mars 2016

The gains in life expectancy are expected to double the dependency ratio and increase population by 10% in Switzerland until 2050. To quantify the effects on pensions, taxes and social contributions, we use an overlapping generations model with five margins of labor supply: labor market participation, hours worked, job search, retirement, and on-the-job training. A passive fiscal strategy would be very costly.
Anders Kvam
fredag, 04 mars 2016- Pensjonssystem og arbeidsmarked. Kommentarer til utviklingen og ønsket utvikling
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