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Artikler som begynner med P

Pensjonsordninger for ledere i selskaper med statlig eierskap
Pensjonsordninger for ledere i selskaper med statlig eierskap

02 oktober 2015
  • I dette notatet beskriver Fafo-forsker Geir Veland pensjonsordninger for ansatte med lønn over 12 G (1 080 861 kroner), i 17 selskaper der staten har direkte eierandel. Retningslinjene for lønn og annen godtgjørelse for ledende ansatte i slike selskaper ble endret i februar i år.

Pensjonsforum 28. august: 62-67-70-72-75 - Aldersgrenser og tjenestepensjon
Pensjonsforum 28. august: 62-67-70-72-75 - Aldersgrenser og tjenestepensjon

27 august 2015
  • Møtet 28.august vil se på de nye aldersgrensene og tjenestepensjon – trykk på overskriften for å se programmet for dette møtet.

Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing: Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe
Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing: Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe

06 august 2015
  • Private pension provision faces the challenging task of providing stable income streams during retirement. The challenge has increased markedly in the last decades due to volatile financial markets, falling interest rates and the withdrawal of employers and external insurers as risk bearers of systematic financial and longevity risks.

Partners’ Leisure Time Truly Together Upon Retirement
Partners’ Leisure Time Truly Together Upon Retirement

22 mai 2015
  • Externalities in leisure are an important determinant of partners’ retirement strategies. This is the first study that quantifies the extent to which partners actually spend more leisure time ‘together’ upon retirement. Exploiting the law on retirement age in France, we apply a regression discontinuity approach to identify the effect of retirement on partners’ hours of leisure, separate or together.

Pål Lillevold

fredag, 08 mai 2015

Pressemelding fra Banklovkommisjonen NOU 2015: 5 Pensjonslovene og folketrygdreformen IV — Utredning nr. 29
Pressemelding fra Banklovkommisjonen NOU 2015: 5 Pensjonslovene og folketrygdreformen IV — Utredning nr. 29

28 april 2015
  • Banklovkommisjonen overleverte tirsdag 28. april 2015 sin utredning nr. 29, NOU 2015: 5 Pensjonslovene og folketrygdreformen IV, til finansminister Siv Jensen.

Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe
Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe

21 april 2015
  • Private pension provision faces the challenging task of providing stable income streams during retirement. The challenge has increased markedly in the last decades due to volatile financial markets, falling interest rates and the withdrawal of employers and external insurers as risk bearers of systematic financial and longevity risks.

Pension Systems in the EU – Contingent Liabilities and Assets in the Public and Private Sector
Pension Systems in the EU – Contingent Liabilities and Assets in the Public and Private Sector

16 mars 2015
  • This study provides an overview of the different pension systems across EU Member States and describes contingent liabilities and assets in the public and private sectors.

Pensjonskasse konferansen 2015 - påmeldingsfrist 18.mars!
Pensjonskasse konferansen 2015 - påmeldingsfrist 18.mars!

11 mars 2015
  • Pensjonskassekonferansen 2015 avholdes på Scandic Park Sandefjord, 15.-16. april. Påmeldingsfrist er innen 18. mars.

Purchasing an annuity: now or later? The role of interest rates
Purchasing an annuity: now or later? The role of interest rates

02 mars 2015
  • This paper investigates whether the option to delay annuitization in times of low interest rates has value for retirees.

Point of No Return- How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?
Point of No Return- How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?

12 februar 2015
  • This study uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation to examine the decision to retire after a job separation among the increasing number of older individuals who leave a job between 55 and 70, and how this decision varies by labor market conditions and the resources available to the unemployed.

Pension Reform and Labor Supply–Flexibility vs. Prescription
Pension Reform and Labor Supply–Flexibility vs. Prescription

11 februar 2015
  • We exploit a comprehensive restructuring of the early retirement system in Norway in 2011 to examine labor supply responses to alternative pension reform strategies relying on improved work incentives (flexibility) or increased access ages (prescription), respectively.