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Artikler som begynner med P

Purchasing an annuity: now or later? The role of interest rates
Purchasing an annuity: now or later? The role of interest rates

02 mars 2015
  • This paper investigates whether the option to delay annuitization in times of low interest rates has value for retirees.

Point of No Return- How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?
Point of No Return- How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?

12 februar 2015
  • This study uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation to examine the decision to retire after a job separation among the increasing number of older individuals who leave a job between 55 and 70, and how this decision varies by labor market conditions and the resources available to the unemployed.

Pension Reform and Labor Supply–Flexibility vs. Prescription
Pension Reform and Labor Supply–Flexibility vs. Prescription

11 februar 2015
  • We exploit a comprehensive restructuring of the early retirement system in Norway in 2011 to examine labor supply responses to alternative pension reform strategies relying on improved work incentives (flexibility) or increased access ages (prescription), respectively.

Pension Adequacy in the European Union 2010-2050
Pension Adequacy in the European Union 2010-2050

27 januar 2015
  • This report, jointly prepared by the European Commission and the Social Protection Committee (SPC), focuses on the adequacy dimension of pensions. It has been developed as a complement to the Ageing Report by the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) and considers pension policy objectives in the context of accelerating population ageing and the current economic crisis.

Pensjonsforum planlegger en rekke seminarer også i dette halvåret
Pensjonsforum planlegger en rekke seminarer også i dette halvåret

21 januar 2015
  • Vi starter med et seminar om uførhet i Pensjonsforum 13.februar hvor vi gjennomgår og diskutere det nye regelverket i både offentlig og privat sektor og se på utviklingen i uførepensjon og sammenhengen blant annet med pensjonsreformen. Hold av datoen – invitasjon kommer.

Pensjonsrelaterte aldersgrenser: Fordeler og ulemper ved å heve dem
Pensjonsrelaterte aldersgrenser: Fordeler og ulemper ved å heve dem

21 januar 2015
  • Som følge av at levealderen stadig øker har spørsmålet om å heve aldergrensene i pensjonssystemet blitt en aktuell problemstilling i mange land, inkludert våre nordiske naboland. 

Policy Variation, Labor Supply Elasticities, and a Structural Model of Retirement
Policy Variation, Labor Supply Elasticities, and a Structural Model of Retirement

15 desember 2014
  • This paper exploits a combination of policy variation from multiple pension reforms in Austria and administrative data from the Austrian Social Security Database.

Pensjonsmirakelet i Norge
Pensjonsmirakelet i Norge

09 desember 2014
  • Hvordan i all verden klarte Jens Stoltenberg og embetsmennene hans – i verdens rikeste land – å lose gjennom en stor pensjonsreform med omfattende innstramminger overfor innbyggerne?

Pension Reform 2017: Consequence Analysis
Pension Reform 2017: Consequence Analysis

19 november 2014
  • The Finnish Centre for Pensions has assessed the consequences of the proposed 2017 pension reform in relation to the set objectives. The objectives included the development of the retirement age, employment, pension expenditure and contributions, pension assets, average pension and gender and intergenerational effects.

Pension Reform Agreement Reached
Pension Reform Agreement Reached

19 november 2014
  • The central labour market organisations - the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the Local Government Employees (KT), the Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK - which have negotiated the content of the forthcoming pension reform, have reached an agreement for a proposal for amendments to the earnings-related pension scheme.

Pensjonsøkonomien baseres på tro og håp
Pensjonsøkonomien baseres på tro og håp

03 november 2014
  • Nordmenn er uvitende om hva de får i pensjon ved 67 år, men tror de får god økonomi som pensjonister. – Folks fremtidige pensjonistøkonomi er basert på tro og håp, og ikke kunnskap og fakta, sier Idar Kreutzer, administrerende direktør i Finans Norge.

Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure A Comparison Between Australia and Canada
Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure A Comparison Between Australia and Canada

21 oktober 2014
  • Australian and Canadian pension funds have been pioneers in infrastructure investing since the early 1990s. They also have the highest asset allocation to infrastructure around the globe today.