Artikler som begynner med P
Pension systems and labour supply – review of the recent economic literature
19 september 2014
This paper reviews recent literature on the impact on labour supply of pension systems reforms and characteristics, with focus on people in their 50s and above, and including studies of interaction with other social insurance programmes.
Pensjonsalder på stedet hvil i kommunene
18 september 2014
Alt i alt holder bruken av tidligpensjonering seg på samme nivå som i 2002 blant ansatte i kommuner og fylkeskommuner.
Pension Plan Participation
25 august 2014
Significant changes have occurred in the kind of employment-based retirement plan in which private-sector workers participate.
Price Efficiency in the Dutch Annuity Market
22 august 2014
Annuity markets around the world are playing a growing role in pension provision as defined contribution personal pension systems are introduced and mature.
Pension Design with a Large Informal Labor Market: Evidence from Chile
14 juni 2014
This paper investigates empirically the fiscal and welfare trade-offs involved in designing a pension system when workers can avoid participation by working informally. A dynamic behavioral model captures a household’s labor supply, formal/informal sector choice and saving decisions under the rules of Chile’s canonical privatized pension system.
Pensjonskamp til domstolene
22 mai 2014
Parat tar kampen om pensjonsrettighetene til de kabinansatte i Norwegian til rettsapparatet.
Pensjon like populært som lønn
15 mai 2014
En bedre pensjonsordning på jobben er like attraktivt som høyere lønn, viser en ny undersøkelse.
Pensjon – hett tema men stor usikkerhet
14 mai 2014
De LO-tillitsvalgte er opptatt av pensjon og engasjerer seg i de endringene som pågår på arbeidsplassene i privat sektor. Svært mange har en minimumsordning, og flertallet ønsker å få på plass brede, tariffestede ordninger. Samtidig er usikkerheten om pensjon svært stor.
Pensions and public finances in Finland – A generational accounting perspective
14 mai 2014
A distinguishing feature of Finnish society is that the baby-boom generations are exceptionally large. Finland has already entered the stage of demographic transition where the share of the working-age population is declining because of the population ageing. This is expected to continue at an accelerating rate during the next two decades.
Partner's Leisure Time Truly Together Upon Retirement
06 mai 2014-
Externalities in leisure are an important determinant of partners’ retirement strategies. This is the first study that quantifies the extent to which partners actually spend more leisure time ‘together’ upon retirement.
Pension Risk and Risk Based Supervision in Defined Contribution Pension Funds
05 mai 2014-
The main goal of any pension system is to ensure that members receive an adequate pension income when they retire. Whilst traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plans set out what that pension income will be in advance and then strive to deliver it, the growing number of defined contribution (DC) plans accumulates a sum of assets which can then be turned into a pension income on retirement.
Pension indicators
02 mai 2014-
This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated costs of the future development.