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Artikler som begynner med P

Pension indicators

02 mai 2014
  • This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated costs of the future development.

Pension Regulation and Investment Performance Rule-Based vs. Risk-Based

28 april 2014
  • The regulatory environment for funded pension schemes varies across countries. While the purpose of pension provision institutions worldwide is broadly similar, i.e., to safeguard retirees’ welfare, national regulations are heterogeneous. In this paper, we analyze the extent to which the type of regulation and its quality can influence a pension system’s financial performance in a cross-country analysis.

Public Sector Pension Funds in Australia: Longevity Selection and Liabilities

07 april 2014
  • This paper assesses the cost and risk faced by public sector, defined benefit plan providers arising from uncertain mortality, including longevity selection, mortality improvements, and unexpected systematic shocks.

Pension Regulation and Investment Performance

20 mars 2014
  • We investigate the relationship between rule-based versus risk-based regulatory choices in different countries and the real investment performance of their pension funds. Pension systems in countries with more mature risk-based regulatory regimes tend to demonstrate superior investment performance.

Pensjonsmonopol tjener ingen

14 mars 2014
  • Fellesforbundet har overlevert sine krav til Norsk Industri i årets lønnsoppgjør, og som varslet lanserte forbundet ideen om å etablere en felles pensjonskasse og la pensjon bli en del av lønnsoppgjøret. Dette er ingen god ide, skriver adm. direktør Idar Kreutzer i Finans Norge i et innlegg i Dagens Næringsliv.

Pensjonskassekonferansen 2014

10 mars 2014
  • Pensjonskassekonferansen 2014 avholdes på Park Hotel Sandefjord, 13.-14. mai. Invitasjonen og programmet finner du her.

Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure A comparison between Australia and Canada

05 mars 2014
  • Australian and Canadian pension funds have been pioneers in infrastructure investing since the early 1990s. They also have the highest asset allocation to infrastructure around the globe today.

Pensjon blir et ikke-tema

04 mars 2014
  • NHO fastholder at arbeidstakerne skal holdes langt vekk fra pensjonsspørsmålet.

Pension Markets in Focus 2013

27 februar 2014
  • Private pensions play an important and growing role in providing for old age.Understanding the different features of private pensions, their role in retirement income arrangements, and their performance is essential for policymakers to design better schemes.

Pension Provision for Employees and the Self-employed 2014

26 februar 2014
  • This booklet contains information on private-sector pension benefits and the qualifying conditions in the Finnish pension system.

Promoting Later Planned Retirement

20 februar 2014
  • Individuals’ planned retirement age is affected by a trade-off between financial costs (a feasibility oriented consideration) and the number of years in retirement (a desirability oriented consideration). Previous research shows that construal level interventions (i.e., activating a global vs. local mindset with individuals) affect the relative importance of these two types of decision aspects such that primary considerations become more important under a global mindset compared to secondary considerations.

Point of No Return: How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement After a Job Separation?

07 februar 2014
  • This project uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation to examine the decision to retire after job separation among the increasing number of older individuals who leave a job between 55 and 70, and how this decision varies by labor market conditions and the resources available to the unemployed.