Artikler som begynner med P
Pensjonskassekonferansen 2013
05 mars 2013-
Pensjonskassekonferansen 2013 avholdes 23. – 24. april 2013
Pension Schemes for the Self-Employed in OECD Countries
26 februar 2013-
The self-employed workers make up a small but significant minority of the workforce in many OECD countries. Moreover, transitions into and out of self-employment have become much more common for a larger group of workers. It is therefore of critical importance to review and assess the pension schemes available to self-employed workers across OECD countries.
Public Pensions, Changing Employment Patterns, and the Impact of Pension Reforms across Birth Cohorts: A Microsimulation Analysis for Germany
26 februar 2013-
We analyze the impact of changing employment patterns and pension reforms on the future level of public pensions across birth cohorts in Germany. The analysis is based on a rich dataset that combines household survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) and process-produced microdata from the German pension insurance.
Pensions, Purchasing-Power Risk, Inflation and Indexation
25 februar 2013-
Pensions are inherently risky because they are long-term contracts, which complicates financial planning for individuals and governments. If things turn out better than expected, who will reap the gains? If things turn out worse, who will bear the cost? No one wants to bear risk, but, in most cases, someone has to. Risks in pension systems have, in the past, been poorly measured or even just ignored.
Pensjonsreformen – flere eldre i arbeid
05 februar 2013-
Fleksibel uttaksalder for alderspensjon ble innført i 2011. Så langt har nesten 45 prosent av de som har hatt muligheten til det, tatt ut alderspensjon før 67 år. Dette er flere enn ventet, men nesten to av tre alderspensjonister under 67 år har valgt å arbeide ved siden av pensjonen. Sysselsettingen blant eldre har dermed fortsatt å øke etter at pensjonsreformen ble gjennomført. Andelen 62–66-åringer i registrert arbeid har økt fra 39 prosent til 42 prosent fra tredje kvartal 2010 – 2012. Dette har gitt 9 000 flere sysselsatte i denne perioden.
Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe in times of crisis, austerity and beyond
16 januar 2013-
A decade after major structural reforms, pension reform has again become a burning issue in Central and Eastern Europe. Indisputably, social security systems have played an important role in mitigating the adverse impact of the global economic crisis on the population. However, social security systems – notably pension systems – in Central and Eastern Europe are under pressure of short-term financial consolidation due to budget constraints resulting from the global economic crisis. In addition, ageing populations pose a structural challenge for their long-term financial sustainability.
Public Pension Systems and the Fiscal Crisis in the Euro Zone Lessons for Latin America
14 januar 2013-
The debt crisis in the Economic and Monetary Union has revealed the need in many member countries to engage in an unprecedented fiscal consolidation process, not only in the short term, but also in the long term. Therefore, the urgent need to accelerate in many cases the reforms of their pension systems with a view to ensuring the sustainability of their public finance over time has been revived.
Pension Systems in the EU – Contingent Liabilities and Assets in the Public and Private Sector
10 januar 2013-
Pension systems differ throughout the EU-27 as each system reflects in a certain way a specific institutional arrangement. Still there are some features which most of these systems contain, and similar developments can be observed as many Member States are faced with the same general challenges regarding pension sustainability and adequacy.
Pension Adequacy in the European Union 2010-2050
04 januar 2013-
Over the last decade most Member States have reformed their pension systems to improve their medium and longer term sustainability as a precondition for delivering on adequacy objectives. But in the context of accelerating population ageing and the current economic crisis achieving pension policy objectives are becoming more challenging.
Pension landscape and charging: Quantitative and qualitative research with employers and pension providers
25 oktober 2012-
The trust-based schemes included in this study were typically insurer-administered, single employer schemes; although larger schemes were more likely to use multiple providers for different services like fund management, scheme administration and investment consultancy.
Pension Coverage for Parents and Educational Investment in Children: Evidence from Urban China
17 september 2012-
When social security is established to provide pensions to parents, their reliance upon children for future financial support decreases; and their need to save for retirement also falls.
Pension contract design and free choice: Theory and practice
06 september 2012-
This paper discusses the insights from the field of behavioral economics with a focus on the implications for the design of pension schemes.