Artikler som begynner med P
Pensjoner på børs – valg og risiko
04 juli 2011-
Dette notatet gir en foreløpig beskrivelse av arbeidstakeres kunnskap om pensjonsreformen, pensjonssystemet og egen tjenestepensjonsordning basert på data fra en surveyundersøkelse blant et representativt utvalg arbeidstakere i privat sektor.
Pensjonsforum avholdt seminar om uføreproposisjonen
10 juni 2011-
Pensjonsforum arrangerte seminar om uføreproposisjonen torsdag 9. juni. Roar Bergan fra Arbeidsdepartementetstofor presentasjonen.
Pensions, Health and Long-term Care
10 juni 2011-
Norway is currently implementing a major pension reform. The detailed legislation for the new national old-age pension was passed with support from a broad majority in Parliament in June 2009, and formally the new law has gone into force from 1 January 2010.
Pension reforms, liquidity constraints and labour supply responses
10 juni 2011-
Today, nearly all industrialized countries are ageing. An increasing number of individuals are becoming eligible for retirement, and the maturing of the pensions system gives increasing pension levels. With the present Norwegian pension system,which is a pay-as-you-go pension benefit system, an increasing burden of work and tax payments will have to be born by a declining number of individuals in the work force over the coming decades.
Pension Buyouts: What Can We Learn From The UK Experience?
10 juni 2011-
Managing (or at least slowing) the decline of private defined benefit (DB) pensions has been a top priority for US policymakers.
Pension Wealth and Income: 1992, 1998, and 2004
10 mai 2011-
What is the impact of the shift from defined benefit to defined contribution plans on the pension wealth of households approaching retirement?
Pensions at a Glance 2011
27 april 2011-
This fourth edition of Pensions at a Glance provides an expanded range of indicators for comparing pension policies and the outcomes of these policies between OECD countries. The indicators are also, where possible, provided for new OECD member countries and the other major economies that are members of the G20.
Pensions at a Glance 2011
14 mars 2011-
Denne gangen kommer Andrew Reilly og Anna Cristina D'Addio fra OECD for å presentere rapporten ”Pensions at a Glance 2011” somble publisert17.mars. I omtalen av rapporten står det: ”The theme of this fourth edition of Pensions at a Glance is pensions, retirement and life expectancy. Many countries have increased pension ages in the face of population ageing and longer lives. Some have introduced an automatic link between pensions and life expectancy. Improvements to the incentives to work rather than retire are also a common part of recent pension-reform packages. However, ensuring that there are enough jobs for older workers remains a challenge”.
Pensions at a Glance 2010
14 mars 2011-
Denne gangen kommer Andrew Reilly og Anna Cristina D'Addio fra OECD for å presentere rapporten ”Pensions at a Glance 2010” som publiseres 17.mars. I omtalen av rapporten fra 2009 står det: ”Pension and retirement policies have changed dramatically in recent years, as governments have tried to balance the goals of adequate retirement incomes and the long-term financial sustainability of pension systems in the face of population ageing. Pensions at a Glance 2009 provides a consistent framework for comparing pension policies between countries along with reliable data”.
Pensjonskassekonferansen 2011 finner sted 13. og 14. april 2011
21 februar 2011-
Pensjonskassekonferansen avholdes 13. og 14 . april 2011på Rica Park Hotel Sandefjord.
Pension reforms, liquidity constraints and labour supply responses
17 januar 2011-
Labour supply responses among older people are estimated on 1996 cross-section register data covering all Norwegians aged 55-68, with an inter-temporal structural model of retirement decisions.
Pensjon og aldersgrenser - hvem bestemmer når vi må gå av?
24 september 2010-
Fredag 24. september handlet pensjonsforums seminar om aldersgrenser. Erik Råd Herlofsen og Ragnhild Nordaas presenterte innledninger om temaet. Tor Brustad og Pål Skarsbak kommenterte fra henholdsvis arbeidsgiver- og arbeidstakersiden. Innleggene deres kan lastes ned under "Foredrag i pensjonsforum" i høyremenyen.