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Does Postponing Minimum Retirement Age Improve Healthy Behaviours Before Retirement? Evidence from Middle-Aged Italian Workers
Does Postponing Minimum Retirement Age Improve Healthy Behaviours Before Retirement? Evidence from Middle-Aged Italian Workers

25 april 2016
  • By increasing the residual working horizon of employed individuals, pension reforms that raise minimum retirement age are likely to affect the returns to investments in health-promoting behaviours before retirement, with consequences for individual health.

The development of the pension gap and German households’ saving behavior
The development of the pension gap and German households’ saving behavior

21 april 2016
  • In this study we investigate the future development of the so-called pension gap. First, we simulate the pension gap and the filling of this gap under different assumptions for the so-called “standard pensioner”. Second, we examine the savings behavior of German households and the individual possibilities to close the pension gap.

The Effect of Public Pension Wealth on Saving and Expenditure
The Effect of Public Pension Wealth on Saving and Expenditure

19 april 2016
  • In order to study whether public pension systems displace private saving, we use the quasi-experimental variation in pension wealth created by Poland's 1999 pension reform. Using the 1997–2003 Polish Household Budget Surveys, we begin by estimating "difference-in-differences" regressions, where we compare household saving and expenditure across time and between cohorts affected and unaffected by the reform.

How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?
How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?

18 april 2016
  • As people age, their reaction times slow, flexibility diminishes, and strength declines. These changes in physical and sensory abilities are easy to spot. Thus, research on retirement timing assumes that people in blue-collar jobs, which often rely on these abilities, will retire relatively early. Conversely, researchers often assume that white-collar workers can retire later. But the cognitive abilities needed for many white-collar jobs, like memory and mental speed, also decline with age.

The 2016 Retirement Confidence Survey: Worker Confidence Stable, Retiree Confidence Continues to Increase
The 2016 Retirement Confidence Survey: Worker Confidence Stable, Retiree Confidence Continues to Increase

15 april 2016
  • The 26th wave of the Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), the longest-running survey of its kind in the nation, finds that American workers’ confidence in their ability to afford a comfortable retirement has maintained its increase after the record lows experienced between 2009 and 2013. However, retiree confidence in their ability to afford a comfortable retirement continued to increase in 2016.

I&PE: Solvency II requirements 'appropriate' for pension funds
I&PE: Solvency II requirements 'appropriate' for pension funds

14 april 2016
  • The capital requirements for insurance companies under the Solvency II regulatory regime are working fine and are appropriate for all defined benefit pension schemes, not just those incorporated as insurers, the head of Oslo Pensjonsforsikring (OPF) says. Friske tidligpensjonister – vil de angre på valget? Friske tidligpensjonister – vil de angre på valget?

14 april 2016
  • Pensjonsreformen har gitt seniorene en helt unik fleksibilitet. Du kan velge når du vil starte uttaket av alderspensjon fra du er 62 til du er 75 år, og du kan fritt kombinere pensjonen med arbeid uten at pensjonen blir redusert.

400 000 færre med ytelsespensjon
400 000 færre med ytelsespensjon

13 april 2016
  • De tradisjonelle ytelsespensjonene i privat sektor er kraftig redusert. Det er nå 400 000 færre arbeidstakere med en slik ordning enn det var for ti år siden. Veksten i innskuddspensjon fortsetter.

The Taxation of Internationally Portable Pensions: Fiscal Issues and Policy Options
The Taxation of Internationally Portable Pensions: Fiscal Issues and Policy Options

08 april 2016
  • Pension policy reforms across the world in recent decades are a reaction to the changing demographic and socioeconomic environment. While pension scheme redesign has received much attention, the tax treatment of contributions, returns, and benefits of retirement savings remains mostly unattended and the taxation of internationally portable pensions is terra incognita for economists.

Ny modell for tjenestepensjon i offentlig sektor
Ny modell for tjenestepensjon i offentlig sektor

07 april 2016
  • Folketrygdens alderspensjonsprodukt er reformert, og med dette har dagens tjenestepensjonsordning i offentlig sektor i Norge fått en fremtoning som er lite tilpasset. Dette gjelder selv om produktet har fått innbakt en levealdersjustering. Sistnevnte element har bidratt til at tjenestepensjonsordningens generøsitet har blitt svært avhengig av når man er født, og til dels når pensjon tas ut.

Unntak for pensjon
Unntak for pensjon

06 april 2016
  • Spørsmålet om opptjening av pensjon fra første krone var tema i lønnsoppgjøret i år. Nå må du i de aller fleste tilfeller tjene rundt 90 000 kroner før pensjonssparingen begynner. Det er også unntak for arbeidstakere under 20 år og for dem som jobber mindre 20 prosent. Men reglene er ikke absolutte.

The National Retirement Risk Index
The National Retirement Risk Index

04 april 2016
  • The National Retirement Risk Index (NRRI) measures the percentage of working-age households that are at risk of being unable to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in retirement. It addresses one of the most compelling challenges facing the nation today: ensuring retirement security for an aging population.