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Fostering job search among older workers: the case for pension reform
Fostering job search among older workers: the case for pension reform

08 mars 2016
  • Employment rates among senior workers (aged 55 or over) in southern Europe are among the lowest in OECD economies. Spain is a paradigmatic example, with high unemployment rates and very low workforce reentry rates for unemployed workers.

Løpet om en offentlig tjenestepensjon har startet
Løpet om en offentlig tjenestepensjon har startet

08 mars 2016
  • Når får de offentlig ansatte en ny tjenestepensjon? Blir det i 2016 eller 2017? Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet har laget en rapport som danner utgangspunkt for forhandlingene. I denne videoen forklarer Fafo-forsker Jon M. Hippe hovedpunktene rundt en ny offentlig tjenestepensjon.

The Under-pensioned 2016
The Under-pensioned 2016

07 mars 2016
  • The Under-pensioned 2016 is a report that explores differences in pension income over the last two decades and how these differences may change in the future. Previous PPI research concluded that women, disabled people and people from ethnic minority groups are more likely to have the characteristics associated with lower pension incomes. The 2016 report revisits the earlier work and explores how state and private pension incomes have changed for people from these groups as well as for carers and the self-employed.

The Impact of Systematic Trend and Uncertainty on Mortality and Disability in a Multi-State Latent Factor Model for Transition Rates
The Impact of Systematic Trend and Uncertainty on Mortality and Disability in a Multi-State Latent Factor Model for Transition Rates

04 mars 2016
  • Multiple state functional disability models do not generally include systematic trend and uncertainty. We develop and estimate a multi-state latent factor intensity model with transition and recovery rates depending on a stochastic frailty factor to capture trend and uncertainty. We estimate the model parameters using U.S. Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data between 1998 and 2012 with Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation method.

 How Should Pensions be Taxed? Theoretical Considerations and the Scandinavian Experience
How Should Pensions be Taxed? Theoretical Considerations and the Scandinavian Experience

03 mars 2016
  • How should pensions be taxed? In many cases pension savings are usually taxed more leniently than other forms of savings. What is the rationale for this? And are those concerns best targeted via taxation or mandatory pension savings? These issues are discussed with outset in the experience of the Scandinavian countries (Denmark and Sweden).

Consumer financial advice and guidance for high risk DC savers
Consumer financial advice and guidance for high risk DC savers

01 mars 2016
  • This report looks to explore the demand for and supply of financial advice, and some options for bringing these in line with each other. The reports explores several options to help customers get the best possible outcomes at retirement. 

Hva skjer med pensjon i vårens tariffoppgjør?
Hva skjer med pensjon i vårens tariffoppgjør?

25 februar 2016
  • Forsikringsforeningen inviterer til medlemsmøte 2. mars der ulike utredninger om pensjon blir presentert.

Pensjonskassekonferansen 2016 avholdes 13.–14. april
Pensjonskassekonferansen 2016 avholdes 13.–14. april

24 februar 2016
  • Pensjonskassekonferansen 2016 avholdes 13. og 14. april ved Rica Park Hotel i Sandefjord. Les programmet og meld deg på hos Pensjonskasseforeningen her.

The Effects of Changing the Age Pension Means Test: A Lifecycle Model Simulation
The Effects of Changing the Age Pension Means Test: A Lifecycle Model Simulation

23 februar 2016
  • This report summarises the results obtained by Kudrna (2015) for the effects of hypothetical changes in the existing taper rate of the Age Pension income test.

How Do Non-Financial Factors Affect Retirement Decisions?
How Do Non-Financial Factors Affect Retirement Decisions?

22 februar 2016
  • Financial factors clearly influence retirement decisions, as everyone would like to have sufficient income when they leave the workforce. But numerous studies find that such factors are only a small part of the story. Non-financial considerations clearly contribute to the decision to retire.

Møte i Pensjonsforum 4.mars: Status på tjenestepensjonsmarkedet – problemstillingene, aktørene og veien videre
Møte i Pensjonsforum 4.mars: Status på tjenestepensjonsmarkedet – problemstillingene, aktørene og veien videre

17 februar 2016
  • Det avholdes møte i Pensjonsforum 4.mars om status på tjenestepensjonsmarkedet i privat sektor. Seminaret belyser de seneste utviklingstrekkene i tjenestepensjonsmarkedet og tar opp aktuelle problemstillinger knyttet til utredninger, lønnsoppgjør og forslag til lovendringer.

Retirement Income Adequacy: Concepts and Measurement
Retirement Income Adequacy: Concepts and Measurement

16 februar 2016
  • This paper offers a discussion of adequacy of retirement benefits. We have the Australian context in mind, but introduce extensive international comparisons to provide perspective.