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Artikler som begynner med F

Freedom and Choice in Pensions: comparing international retirement systems and the role of annuitisation
Freedom and Choice in Pensions: comparing international retirement systems and the role of annuitisation

11 mars 2015
  • This Briefing Note explores how DC savings are accessed in other countries, how this interacts with wider government policy, and what international experience might mean for how DC savings are accessed in future in the UK.

Firms and Early Retirement: Offers That One Does Not Refuse
Firms and Early Retirement: Offers That One Does Not Refuse

30 januar 2015
  • According to the Hutchens (1999) model, early retirement is not explained as a result of maximizing expected individual utility but rather as a demand-side phenomenon arising from a firm’s profit-maximizing behaviour.

Financial Incentives and the Timing of Retirement: Evidence from Switzerland
Financial Incentives and the Timing of Retirement: Evidence from Switzerland

13 januar 2015
  • We use reforms in the Swiss public retirement system to identify the responsiveness of retirement timing to financial incentives. A permanent reduction of retirement benefits by 3.4 percent induces more than 70 percent of females to postpone their retirement. The responsiveness of male workers, who undergo a different treatment, is lower.

Financial Work Incentives for Disability Benefit Recipients: Lessons from a Randomised Field Experiment
Financial Work Incentives for Disability Benefit Recipients: Lessons from a Randomised Field Experiment

05 januar 2015
  • Disability insurance (DI) beneficiaries lose part of their benefits if their earnings exceed certain thresholds (“cash-cliffs”). This implicit taxation is considered the prime reason for low DI outflow.

Folk forstår ikke pensjonssystemet
Folk forstår ikke pensjonssystemet

09 desember 2014
  • Få i Norge forstår noe særlig av alderspensjonen sin. Og ikke spesielt mange anstrenger seg heller for å gjøre det, før de nærmer seg pensjonsalderen.

Fagforbundets medlemmer vant ankesak om tjenestepensjon
Fagforbundets medlemmer vant ankesak om tjenestepensjon

14 november 2014
  • Striden om tjenestepensjon for kommuneansatte som i sin tid reserverte seg har gått flere runder i rettssystemet. Nå har Fagforbundets medlemmer også vunnet fram i lagmannsretten.

Flexible Pension Take-Up in Social Security
Flexible Pension Take-Up in Social Security

30 september 2014
  • This paper studies the redistribution and welfare effects of increasing the flexibility of individual pension take-up.

Freedom and Choice in Pensions: the minimum pension age
Freedom and Choice in Pensions: the minimum pension age

12 september 2014
  • The minimum pension age is one element of a private pensions system that aims to ensure that pension savings are used to provide income and security in retirement while also incentivising pension saving.

Freedom and Choice in Pensions: comparing international retirement systems and the role of annuitisation
Freedom and Choice in Pensions: comparing international retirement systems and the role of annuitisation

01 august 2014
  • At Budget 2014 the Chancellor announced radical changes to how Defined Contribution (DC) pension savings can be accessed at retirement.This Briefing Note explores how DC savings are accessed in other countries, how this interacts with wider government policy, and what international experience might mean for how DC savings are accessed in future in the UK.


Fripoliseseminar i Pensjonsforum fredag 13.juni
Fripoliseseminar i Pensjonsforum fredag 13.juni

27 mai 2014
  • Fripolisen er viktigere enn mange tror. Omfanget, reguleringen og forvaltningen av fripoliser har stor betydning for svært mange av oss. Derfor inviterer vi i Pensjonsforum rett og slett til et seminar om bare det.

Færre mottar helserelaterte ytelser
Færre mottar helserelaterte ytelser

26 mai 2014
  • Det har blitt færre mottakere av helserelaterte ytelser det siste året. Nedgangen gjelder både sykepenger, AAP og uførepensjon.

Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences
Financial competence, risk presentation and retirement portfolio preferences

25 mai 2014
  • Financial regulators are weighing up the effectiveness of different templates for communicating investment risk to retirement savers since welfare depends on comprehension of risk information.