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Artikler som begynner med F
Funding in Public Sector Pension Plans
08 november 2012-
Most countries have separate pension plan for public sector employees. The future fiscal burden of these plans can be substantial as the government usually is the largest employer, pension promises in the public sector tend to be relatively generous, and future payments have to be paid out directly from government revenues (pay-as-you-go) or by funded plans (pension funds) which tend to be underfunded. The valuation and disclosure of these promises in some countries lacks transparency, which may be hiding potentially huge fiscal liabilities that are being passed on to future generations of workers.
Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in View of a Growing Youth Demographic The Russian Case
22 oktober 2012-
Our study contributes to the financial literacy literature by examining its association with retirement planning in an interesting and novel context, i.e. that of a country with a relatively old and rapidly ageing population, large regional disparities and a rapidly emerging financial market.
Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in Sweden
19 oktober 2012-
We examine the relationship between financial literacy and retirement planning in a representative sample of Swedish adults. We find significant differences in financial literacy between planners and non-planners.
Financial Literacy and Pension Plan Participation in Italy
16 oktober 2012-
By requiring individuals to decide whether to participate in (newly established) pension funds, how much to contribute and how to invest their retirement wealth, pension reforms have raised concerns about the ability of households to deal with financial decisions.
Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning in Germany
09 oktober 2012-
We examine financial literacy in Germany using data from the SAVE survey. We find that knowledge of basic financial concepts is lacking among women, the less educated, and those living in East Germany.
Financial Literacy, Retirement Preparation and Pension Expectations in the Netherlands
05 oktober 2012-
We present new evidence on financial literacy and retirement preparation in the Netherlands based on two surveys conducted before and after the onset of the financial crisis. We document that while financial knowledge did not increase from 2005 to 2010, significantly more individuals planned for their retirement in 2010.
Flexible working lives and pension coverage in Europe with a focus on women: Lessons to be learned by Germany
19 mars 2012-
In particular due to increasing female employment over the last decades employment has become more flexible in regard to the contract form and we observe more discontinuous employment careers. This paper discusses in how far retirement pension systems in Europe are suited to cover the specific risks of flexible workers. Recent reforms to these systems (e.g. the strengthening of private elements) and their outcomes on flexible workers are also scrutinised.
Filling the Pension Gap Coverage and Value of Voluntart Retirement Savings
13 februar 2012-
The current generation of workers can expect lower pension benefits in retirement than the current generation of pensioners. Private, voluntary pension savings will therefore play a greater role in providing for old age. This paper calculates the size of the “pension gap”: the difference between the benefits from mandatory retirement-income provision and a target pension level. It then computes the amount that people would need to save to achieve the target.
Funding in Public Sector Pension Plans: International Evidence
23 januar 2012-
Most countries have separate pension plan for public sector employees. The future fiscal burden of these plans can be substantial as the government usually is the largest employer, pension promises in the public sector tend to be relatively generous, and future payments have to be paid out directly from government revenues (pay-as-you-go) or by funded plans (pension funds) which tend to be underfunded.
Frederic Ottesen
fredag, 21 oktober 2011- Tjenestepensjon - Solvens II - Deretter...Utfordringer og løsningsalternativer
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Framtidens tj‰nstepensioner
26 september 2011-
Det svenska tjänstepensionssystemet är onödigt krångligt och oöverskådligt för löntagarna. Det menar de danska professorerna Michael Møller och Niels Christian Nielsen, båda vid Copenhagen Business School, som på SNS uppdrag har granskat det svenska tjänstepensionssystemet. De föreslår ett reformerat tjänstepensionssystem med en obligatorisk del med enhetliga regler för inbetalningar, placeringar och utbetalningar och en frivillig del som ger ökad valfrihet för individen.
Frederic Ottesen
fredag, 23 september 2011- Lav rente - solid system - nye kapitalkrav -konsekvenser for pensjonsordningene
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