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Artikler som begynner med S Friske tidligpensjonister – vil de angre på valget? Friske tidligpensjonister – vil de angre på valget?

14 april 2016
  • Pensjonsreformen har gitt seniorene en helt unik fleksibilitet. Du kan velge når du vil starte uttaket av alderspensjon fra du er 62 til du er 75 år, og du kan fritt kombinere pensjonen med arbeid uten at pensjonen blir redusert.

State Savings Initiatives: Lessons from California and Connecticut
State Savings Initiatives: Lessons from California and Connecticut

29 mars 2016
  • At any given moment, about half of private sector workers are not covered by any employer-sponsored retirement plan. To close this coverage gap, 18 states are considering retirement savings initiatives.1 These efforts have been spurred by the lack of action at the federal level – which would be preferable to a patchwork of state plans – and the apparent inability of existing employer-sponsored plans to solve the problem. But the state initiatives are still at an early stage. To date, just two states – California and Connecticut – have completed “feasibility studies” to determine whether their initiatives can generate sufficient account balances and employer support to be successful.

Stadig flere arbeidstakere får innskuddspensjon
Stadig flere arbeidstakere får innskuddspensjon

16 mars 2016
  • Innskuddsordninger er den helt dominerende formen for tjenestepensjonsordning for ansatte i privat sektor. Det viser  Finans Norges markedsstatistikk for 2015.

Stein Reegård

fredag, 04 mars 2016

Sven Iver Steen og Jon M. Hippe

fredag, 04 mars 2016

Seniority Rules, Worker Mobility and Wages: Evidence from Multi-Country Linked Employer-Employee Data
Seniority Rules, Worker Mobility and Wages: Evidence from Multi-Country Linked Employer-Employee Data

01 februar 2016
  • We construct a multi-country employer-employee data to examine the consequences of employment protection. We identify the effects by comparing worker exit rates between units of the same firm that operate in two countries that have different seniority rules.

Sissel Rødevand

fredag, 18 desember 2015
  • Noen (første) kommentarer til rapporten fra Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet om ny pensjonsordning i offentlig sektor
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Stability of Participation in Collective Pension Schemes An Option Pricing Approach
Stability of Participation in Collective Pension Schemes An Option Pricing Approach

18 september 2015
  • This paper contributes to the discussion about mandatory participation in collective funded pension schemes. It explores under what circumstances individual participants exercise the option to exit such scheme if participation is voluntary.

Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retirement
Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retirement

02 september 2015
  • In general, retirement is seen as a pure labor supply phenomenon, but firms can have strong incentives to send expensive older workers into retirement. Based on the seniority wage model developed by Lazear (1979), we discuss steep seniority wage profiles as incentives for firms to dismiss older workers before retirement.

Skal forbedre pensjonsspråket
Skal forbedre pensjonsspråket

02 juni 2015

    Finans Norge har fått viktige støttespillere på lag i sitt prosjekt for å bedre pensjonsspråket. Nå er prosjektet organisert, og har med representanter fra Forbrukerombudet, Finansforbundet, Språkrådet, Finansportalen og pensjonsselskapene.

Spousal Retirement and Hours Outcomes
Spousal Retirement and Hours Outcomes

25 mai 2015
  • Increasing individual working lives to counter population ageing and public pension deficits is of utmost interest to policy makers today. Because over 70 per cent of older individuals live in a couple, it is relevant to investigate spouses’ retirement strategies.

Social Interactions and the Retirement Age
Social Interactions and the Retirement Age

05 mai 2015
  • In this study we gauge the impact of social interactions on individual retirement preferences. A survey including self-assessments and vignette questions shows that individual preferences are affected by preferences and actual retirement behavior of the social environment.