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Artikler som begynner med T

To møter i Pensjonsforum i desember

21 november 2017
  • Det blir to seminarer i Pensjonsforum i desember. Tema for det første møtet, fredag 1/12, er forslaget til Pensjonskonto i privat tjenestepensjon. Tema for fredag 15/12 er AFP-evalueringen. Begge dagene fra 9 til 12. Hold av datoene.

The Norwegian Pension Reform: An External Perspective
The Norwegian Pension Reform: An External Perspective

13 oktober 2017
  • Like many other developed countries, Norway is facing a rapid ageing of its population that is attributed to both falling mortality and fertility rates in the past and projected life-expectancy increases over the next several decades. According to United Nations (2015), it is projected for Norway that by 2060, the share of the population 65+ will increase to over 25% (from 16% in 2015) and the potential support ratio will drop to 2 people in the labour force for each person aged 65 years and over.

The Effect of Job Mobility on Retirement Timing by Education
The Effect of Job Mobility on Retirement Timing by Education

21 september 2017
  • Job-changing among late-career workers increased steadily from the 1980s through the mid-2000s before declining somewhat in recent years.  This study asks how the rise in job-changing – which seems largely voluntary – affects retirement timing and whether this effect varies by a key measure of socioeconomic status: educational attainment. 

The Mortality Effects of Retirement: Evidence from Social Security Eligibility at Age 62
The Mortality Effects of Retirement: Evidence from Social Security Eligibility at Age 62

20 september 2017
  • This paper examines the link between retirement and health by examining whether mortality changes discontinuously at the Social Security eligibility threshold at age 62.

The interaction of pillars in multi-pillar pension systems: A comparison of Canada, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden
The interaction of pillars in multi-pillar pension systems: A comparison of Canada, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden

13 september 2017
  • This article addresses the role of pillars and their interaction in the overall system in the countries studied and how this interaction contributes to overall risk sharing. This is analysed through a detailed modelling of theoretical net replacement rates and a comparative analysis of the multi-pillar pension systems in Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjons-markedet i Norge 2016
Trender i livsforsikrings- og pensjons-markedet i Norge 2016

13 juni 2017
  • Randi Mørk

    Innskuddsbasert tjenestepensjon har etter innføringen av obligatorisk tjenestepensjon i 2006 blitt den foretrukne tjenestepensjonsordningen i privat sektor i Norge, og ved utgangen av 2016 var nesten 1,3 millioner private arbeidstakere omfattet av slike pensjonsordninger.

To nye rapporter om privat tjenestepensjon
To nye rapporter om privat tjenestepensjon

09 juni 2017
  • På Pensjonsforum 9. juni presenteres to rapporter om privat tjenestepensjon. Rapporten om «bedre og enklere tjenestepensjon» er utarbeidet av Fafo og Artzen deBesche på oppdrag av HK og Fellesforbundet. Mens rapporten om hybris tjenestepensjon er utarbeidet av Aktuarfirmaet Lillevold&Partners og Fafo på oppdrag av LO og Fagforbundet. Begge er tilgjenelig for nedlasting fra  Fafos nettsider.

The impact of employer’s characteristics on the willingness to hire older workers: Evidence from a stated preferences experiment
The impact of employer’s characteristics on the willingness to hire older workers: Evidence from a stated preferences experiment

26 april 2017
  • This paper makes use of a vignette study to investigate employer’s willingness to hire older job applicants. We focus on the extent to which the hiring probability of older job applicants is related to various characteristics of the applicants, and simultaneously investigate the role of employer’s characteristics such as age and gender, and their assessment of older workers’ wage, productivity and skills compared to that of younger workers. The evidence indicates that the probability of being hired decreases substantially with the age of the job applicant.

Thorstein Øverland

torsdag, 02 mars 2017

Tom Staavi

torsdag, 02 mars 2017

Tone Meldalen

fredag, 20 januar 2017

The Power of Social Pensions
The Power of Social Pensions

06 januar 2017
  • This paper examines the impacts of social pension provision among people of different ages. Utilizing the county-by-county rollout of the New Rural Pension Scheme in rural China, we find that, among the age-eligible people, the scheme provision leads to higher household income (18 percent) and food expenditure (10 percent), lower labor supply (6 percent), and better health (11-14 percent).