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Banklovkommisjonen foreslår regelverk for ytelsespensjon
Banklovkommisjonen foreslår regelverk for ytelsespensjon

28 april 2015
  • Banklovkommisjonen la 28. april fram et forslag til regelverk for ytelsespensjon som bygger på prinsippene i ny folketrygd. Det viser at det fortsatt kan være mulig for virksomheter og foretak å tilby sine ansatte et ytelsesbasert pensjon.

Møte i Pensjonsforum 8. mai: Norsk livsforsikring med garanterte produkter i møte med lavrente og ny regulering
Møte i Pensjonsforum 8. mai: Norsk livsforsikring med garanterte produkter i møte med lavrente og ny regulering

27 april 2015
  • Fra 2016 skal livselskapene tilpasse seg nye kapitalkrav for produkter med garantier. Dette vil ha særlig stor betydning for nesten en million fripoliser som neppe kan forvente regulering utover beregningsrenten.

Years-of-service Pension: Rare Arrangement in Europe
Years-of-service Pension: Rare Arrangement in Europe

27 april 2015
  • Pension types similar to the years-of-service pension that will be introduced in the forthcoming pension reform in Finland can be found in five European countries. In many respects, the criteria for the pension are similar, but there are also differences. Finland will be a forerunner when it comes to measuring the mental strain of work.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Actuarial Reduction Rates in Individual Retirement Planning in Germany
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Actuarial Reduction Rates in Individual Retirement Planning in Germany

27 april 2015
  • This Paper provides a two-part empirical analysis on how actuarial reduction rates for early retirement affect current pension payments in Germany and to what extent the existence and the magnitude of such reduction rates influence people’s retirement planning.

Sju forbund overleverer felles krav om hybridpensjon
Sju forbund overleverer felles krav om hybridpensjon

24 april 2015
  • Nå skal de overbevise om at hybridpensjonen er forutsigbar også for arbeidsgiver. Spekter og de ansattes organisasjoner har i løpet av dagen blitt enige om å forhandle videre om pensjon for ansatte i kultursektoren.

Savings in times of demographic change: Lessons from the German experience
Savings in times of demographic change: Lessons from the German experience

23 april 2015
  • Pension reforms in many developed countries make individuals shoulder a bigger share of longevity  and income risks. The desired response is that individuals accumulate private assets for retirement.  Whether this actually takes place, is of paramount relevance for scientists and policy makers.

Bedriftene flykter fra ytelsespensjon
Bedriftene flykter fra ytelsespensjon

22 april 2015
  • 28 april kommer Banklovkommisjonen med sin innstilling om ytelsespensjonene. Det har vært en kraftig nedgang i de ytelsesbaserte ordningene de siste årene. Bedriftene går i retning av å tilby arbeidstakerne en innskuddsbasert ordning, noe som gir en større risiko for de ansatte. Hybridpensjon er ny, og lite utbredt.

Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe
Personal Pensions with Risk Sharing Affordable, Adequate and Stable Private Pensions in Europe

21 april 2015
  • Private pension provision faces the challenging task of providing stable income streams during retirement. The challenge has increased markedly in the last decades due to volatile financial markets, falling interest rates and the withdrawal of employers and external insurers as risk bearers of systematic financial and longevity risks.

Behov for ny ytelsespensjon?
Behov for ny ytelsespensjon?

20 april 2015
  • 28. april avgir Banklovkommisjonen sin innstilling om ny ytelsesbasert tjenestepensjon – og allerede 29. april inviterer Forsikringsforeningen til møte om hovedtrekkene i innstillingen og få reaksjoner fra forsikringsnæringen og representanter for partene i arbeidslivet. Møtet går fra kl. 1615-1815 i møtesenteret KS Agenda i Haakon VIIs gate 9, Oslo

The Earnings and Employment Losses Before Entering the Disability System
The Earnings and Employment Losses Before Entering the Disability System

17 april 2015
  • Although a number of papers in the literature have shown the employment and wage differences between disabled and non-disabled individuals, not much is known about the potential employment and wage losses that disabled individuals suffer before being officially accepted into the disability insurance system (DI).

Does Investors’ Personality Influence Their Portfolios?
Does Investors’ Personality Influence Their Portfolios?

17 april 2015
  • Based on large-scale survey data from the 2006-2012 waves of the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS) we show that individual portfolio decisions are influenced by a variety of traits and facets traditionally investigated in the field of personality psychology.

How Will Longer Lifespans Affect State and Local Pension Funding?
How Will Longer Lifespans Affect State and Local Pension Funding?

16 april 2015
  • Rising life expectancy makes defined benefit pension plans more expensive.The question is the extent to which state and local plans have already incorporated rising life expectancy into their cost estimates.