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Artikler som begynner med H

How Do Pension Changes Affect Retirement Preparedness?

10 mai 2011
  • Our findings suggest that although the consequences of the decline in the stock market are serious for those approaching their retirement, the average person approaching retirement age is not likely to suffer a life changing financial loss from the stock market downturn of 2008-2009.

How Do Lower-Income Families Think about Retirement?

27 april 2011
  • How do low-income households think about retirement? Do they think about retirement? If so, when do they think they will retire, and what is it they plan to live on?

How Do Responses to the Downturn Vary by Household Characteristics?

27 april 2011
  • The stock market crash eliminated more than $2 trillion in wealth held in defined contribution retirement accounts, about one-third of the pre-crash total. Unless offset by a later retirement age and/or increased retirement saving, this wealth shock will significantly reduce the retirement incomes of workers now approaching retirement – cohorts who will depend primarily on 401(k) balances once they stop working.

How Pension Rules Affect Work and Contribution Patterns: A Behavioral Model of the Chilean Privatized Pension System

13 april 2011
  • Chile has been at the forefront of pension reform, having switched in 1980 from a pay-as-you-go system to a fully funded privatized accounts system. The Chilean system served as a model for reform in many other Latin American countries and has also been considered by U.S. policy makers as a possible prototype for social security reform. Some of the criticisms of the Chilean system are low coverage rates and contributions rates among certain segments of the population.

How Important Are Intergenerational Transfers for Baby Boomers?

01 mars 2011
  • Due to a changing retirement landscape, many baby boomers are likely to have insufficient resources for a secure retirement. One potential source that could improve their situation is inheritances. Using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances and the Health and Retirement Study, this study quantifies how much boomers can expect to inherit.

How Important Are Inheritances for Baby Boomers?

01 mars 2011
  • Due to a changing retirement landscape, many baby boomers are likely to have insufficient resources for a secure retirement. One potential source that could improve their situation is inheritances.

How Will Higher Tax Rates Affect the National Retirement Risk Index?

11 februar 2011
  • The National Retirement Risk Index (NRRI) measures the share of American households ‘at risk’ of being unable to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in retirement.

Hyggen og Hermann

11 august 2010
  • Sigbjørn Johnsen hedrer den nye forkningen til Dr Hyggen og hermann

Hvis bare helsa holder

11 mai 2010
  • AFI har nylig publisert rapporten "Hvis bare helsa holder". Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en survey rettet mot yrkesaktive kvinner i 50 - 60 årsalderen. Funn fra undersøkelsen viser at forventninger til egen helse påvirker holdninger til pensjonering.

Husholdninger og pensjon

07 mai 2010
  • I en ny rapport fra Institutt for Samfunnsforskning undersøker forskerne Inez Hardoy, Pål Schøne og Kristine von Simson hvordan inntekt, yrkesaktivitet og arbeidsdelingen mellom ektefeller påvirker avgjørelsene husholdninger tar om pensjonering.

Høring om tjenestepensjon og AFP

23 november 2009
  • Avtalen fra tariffoppgjøret i offentlig sektor i 2009 innebærer blant annet at dagens regler for tjenestepensjon og AFP videreføres. Dette skal tilpasses ny folketrygd fra 2011 med hensyn til blant annet levealdersjustering og ny regulering av offentlig tjenestepensjon. Arbeids- og Inkluderingsdepartementet har nå sendt forslag til nødvendige endringer i regelverket på høring.

Hvem har ikke AFP?

09 november 2009
  • Kristine Nergaard har på oppdrag fra Akademikerne sett på hva som kjennetegner arbeidstakere uten AFP. Drøftingen er avgrenset til områdene i privat sektor som dekkes av fellesordningen for AFP (LO-NHO ordningen).