Artikler som begynner med H
How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?
18 april 2016

As people age, their reaction times slow, flexibility diminishes, and strength declines. These changes in physical and sensory abilities are easy to spot. Thus, research on retirement timing assumes that people in blue-collar jobs, which often rely on these abilities, will retire relatively early. Conversely, researchers often assume that white-collar workers can retire later. But the cognitive abilities needed for many white-collar jobs, like memory and mental speed, also decline with age.
How do people spend their time before and after retirement?
11 mars 2016

This paper presents evidence on how time use changes with age and retirement and discusses implications for pension design. The study is based on a sample of participants aged between 45 and 90 who are representative for the Dutch population.
Hva skjer med pensjon i vårens tariffoppgjør?
25 februar 2016

Forsikringsforeningen inviterer til medlemsmøte 2. mars der ulike utredninger om pensjon blir presentert.
How Do Non-Financial Factors Affect Retirement Decisions?
22 februar 2016

Financial factors clearly influence retirement decisions, as everyone would like to have sufficient income when they leave the workforce. But numerous studies find that such factors are only a small part of the story. Non-financial considerations clearly contribute to the decision to retire.
How do people spend their time before and after retirement?
05 februar 2016

How do the elderly spend their time? How does time use of the elderly differ from younger people? This paper uses a technique developed by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues to address these questions for the situation in the Netherlands.
Hvem har risikoen for pensjonene?
03 februar 2016

Pensjon er forbundet med risiko som det er umulig å kvitte seg med. Spørsmålet er hvem som skal ta den største risikoen? Pensjon er risiko rett og slett fordi det dreier seg om langsiktig sparing; altså det vi tjener opp av pensjon i løpet av yrkeskarrieren. Dagens pensjonslandskap plasserer i stor grad risikoen på enkeltindividet.
Har du sjekket hva du får i pensjon?
28 januar 2016

Pensjon oppleves som komplisert og vanskelig å forstå, og noe som få setter seg inn i. Om du har passert 50 år er det spesielt viktig å bruke litt tid på å finne ut av pensjonsrettighetene dine. Fafo-forsker Geir Veland tar film i bruk for å forklare pensjon.
Highest Return Rate on Pension Contributions for the Already Retired
17 november 2015

People born in the 1940s will receive a real return on their pension contributions of approximately 5 per cent. The equivalent rate for those born in the 1970s and later is estimated to be an ample two per cent. The return rate is higher for women since they live longer than men do.
How Has Shift to Defined Contribution Plans Affected Saving?
02 oktober 2015

Many believe that people are saving less for retirement due to the shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) plans. The analysis uses National Income and Product Accounts data, with adjustments, to compare DB benefit accruals with DC contributions from 1984-2012.
Hvordan finansiere framtidas pensjonist- tilværelse?
11 september 2015

Handelshøyskolen BI inviterer til seminar med Nobel-prisvinner i økonomi, professor Robert C. Merton 9. oktober. Finansiering av framtidas pensjonisttilværelse er en global utfordring, og Mertons nåværende forskning dreier seg om hvordan vi kan løse denne utfordringen.
Home Production and Retirement in Couples: A Panel Data Analysis
17 august 2015

We analyse the effects of retirement of one partner on home production by both partners in a couple. Using longitudinal data from Germany on couples, we control for fixed household specific effects to address the concern that retirement decisions are correlated with unobserved characteristics that also affect home production.
Health Status, Socio-economic Conditions and Retirement Decisions
19 juni 2015

Population ageing can contribute to a shortage in labour supply. An obvious and popular response to this is to encourage workers to delay their retirement.