Artikler som begynner med H
How Do the Changing Labor Supply Behavior and Marriage Patterns of Women Affect Social Security Replacement Rates?
30 august 2013-
This paper seeks to determine the impact of the changing lives of women – increased labor force participation/earnings and reduced marriage rates – on Social Security replacement rates.
Høy inntekt blant yngre alderspensjonister
04 juli 2013-
Fra 2011 gjør nye regler det mulig for personer med tilstrekkelig opptjening å ta ut alderspensjon fra fylte 62 år. Drøyt 35 000 personer i alderen 62-66 år tok ut alderspensjon i 2011. 62-åringer som mottok alderspensjon, hadde en gjennomsnittlig samlet inntekt på 608 000 kroner, hvorav 77 000 kroner i alderspensjon.
How to share the pain of the pension crisis?
20 juni 2013-
This thesis investigates the current crisis among pension funds and concentrates on the one hand on how to recover and on the other hand on what the future of the Dutch pension sector should look like.
How Sensitive Are Individual Retirement Expectations to Raising the Retirement Age?
11 april 2013-
This paper investigates the causal effects of the announcement of an increase in the statutory pension age on employee retirement expectations. In June 2010, the Dutch government signed a new pension agreement with the employer and employee organizations that entailed an increase in the statutory pension age from 65 currently to 66 in 2020 for all inhabitants born after 1954. Given the expected increase in average life expectancy, it was also decided that in 2025 the pension age would be further increased to 67 for those born after 1959.
Hvordan øke eldres yrkesdeltakelse? Tiltak for å redusere tidligpensjonering i Sverige, Danmark og Finland
04 april 2013-
Avtalen om et mer inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA-avtalen) i Norge ble undertegnet i 2001. Samme år ble arbeidet med å reformere pensjonssystemet igangsatt. I denne rapporten har vi sett på hva Danmark, Sverige og Finland har gjort for å redusere tidligpensjoneringen og øke yrkesdeltakelsen blant eldre.
How Does the Composition of Disability Insurance Applicants Change Across Business Cycles?
07 mars 2013-
Much as in previous recessions, the number of applications to public disability insurance programs increased sharply during the Great Recession. We find that the composition of applicants also changes across business cycles. For example, applicants during economic downturns, and especially during the Great Recession, are younger, better educated, higher income, and more likely to have recent work experience. However, we find only mixed evidence supporting the theory that the increase in applications in downturns is caused by healthier applicants who apply to disability programs only because they are unemployed.
How Do Employer's 401(k) Mutual Fund Selections Affect Performance?
27 februar 2013-
Defined contribution plans, predominantly 401(k)s, are the primary source of personal retirement savings for American workers, making the investment decisions within these accounts a salient policy concern. These decisions are a result of two separate actions: the mutual fund options selected by the employer’s plan administrator and the specific funds chosen by the participant.
Hvordan øke eldres yrkesdeltakelse? Tiltak for å redusere tidligpensjonering i Sverige, Danmark og Finland
06 februar 2013-
Avtalen om et mer inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA-avtalen) i Norge ble undertegnet i 2001. Samme år ble arbeidet med å reformere pensjonssystemet igangsatt. I denne rapporten har vi sett på hva Danmark, Sverige og Finland har gjort for å redusere tidligpensjoneringen og øke yrkesdeltakelsen blant eldre.
How Do Employer's 401(k) Mutual Fund Selections Affect Performance?
04 februar 2013-
Defined contribution plans, predominantly 401(k)s, are the primary source of personal retirement savings for American workers, making the investment decisions within these accounts a salient policy concern. These decisions are a result of two separate actions: the mutual fund options selected by the employer’s plan administrator and the specific funds chosen by the participant.
While considerable research has examined 401(k) participant decisions in isolation, surprisingly little attention has been focused on the choices made by plan administrators. The administrator’s role is clearly influential, particularly if, as indicated by prior research, 401(k) participants themselves do not make good choices. This brief, based on a prior study, addresses this research gap by focusing on the fund choices of 401(k) plan administrators and participants’ reactions to these choices.
Hold av datoer: Møter i Pensjonsforum 1. og 15. mars
22 januar 2013-
1. mars vil det avholdes møte i Pensjonsforum med temaet "Levealder", med bidrag fra Aslaug Foss(SSB), Dennis Fredriksen (SSB) og Sissel Rødevand (Actecan). Neste møte avholdes 15.mars med temaet "Fripoliser", med bidrag fra Pål Lillevold (Aktuar), Runa K. Sæther (Finanstilsynet), Jan Otto Risebrobakken (Storebrand) og Mikkel Berg (Silver).
Holding Out or Opting Out? Deciding Between Retirement and Disability Applications in Recessions
05 desember 2012-
Workers over age 55 with chronic health conditions must choose between applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or continuing to work until their Social Security retirement benefits become available. Previous research has investigated the influence of macroeconomic conditions on disability application and, separately, on retirement claiming.
Health, Disability and Pathways into Retirement in Spain
30 november 2012-
In this paper we analyze the trends in labor force participation and transitions to benefit programs of older workers in relation to health trends as well as recent Social Security reforms.